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Everything posted by MT

  1. Bren u know ur adding me to the list of assistants btw everyone can see this??? hide it!!
  2. Pete for the 10th time read the post its not a facelift its an 03 model :P
  3. Too bad its not reciprocated :P OLE!!!
  4. Lift 1. to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist. 2. to raise or direct upward: 3. a lemon flavoured fizzy drink made by Coca Cola 4. the fine art of taking a 2ZZ-GE powered corolla over 6000rpm and discovering nirvana :D Therefore, the art of landing in lift is either a. landing in a lemon flavoured fizzy drink made by Coca Cola.... or...... b. shifting gears fast enough to not let the 2ZZ drop below 6000rpm and remain in the state of nirvana :D
  5. or you could go with the left and 'sleep with a stranger' for neglected left hand. nah i just like attractive real chicks :P
  6. MT

    Car Jacked

    great minds think alike :P with corey's gearbox, he would have stalled it in any gear :D muhahaha hey he might not break it but :P
  7. MT

    Car Jacked

    i would have given him the keys. watched him stall half a dozen times in 6th gear, then picked him up and dumped him in the maccas hopper. f*ckin kids
  8. MT

    Car Jacked

    ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaa thats awesome Northy. stick it to em :P what would he done with it afterwards? he probably couldnt reach the pedals.
  9. 21 and paying $1100 for insurance on my 03 stivo with a $900 excess
  10. Sorry dude, I forgot to cater for ya .. here you go Les how many times have i told u, your just not my kind of guy!!! :P
  11. wow i thought corolla drivers had standards... doesnt seem like it.
  12. I love u dylan that so doesnt work.
  13. Its an 03 guys... all your helpful hints are useless. Fits perfectly dibba! great buy and an awesome price too dude!
  14. MT


    Hey bra, the fizzle shizzle magizzle is hawt at tha mom3nt man don't knawk tha sh!t man s3rious fo' real it'z da fukin' bomb. pEEpolE wHO wRIte LiKe dIZ aRE k3Wl. iF eWe dOn'T LiKe it mICk d3n jus' doN't w33d iT mAN fO' sHiz >.< XD o_O ^.^ wow i think i just went blind. or my iq dropped like 100 points. either way, love your work robbie
  15. MT


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LMQH1wxLIg Def not safe for work!
  16. MT


    i agree with dylan we wanna read posts not try and interpret sh*t internet language
  17. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...c=6441&st=0 http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=2905
  18. screw it to the floor, it doesnt cause any problems at all. I wanted to fasten mine down myself but the audio place told me that if they dont screw it down the warranty is voided as it is much more likely that u will go over a bump and the amp will flex and screw up the insides. if u screw the amp to the floor, have the wires facing forwards, as there is a nice little lip thing there that stops the front passenger kicking his legs back.
  19. Toyota won't be bringing out this car. See that man standing next to the car in the racing suit? He will be.
  20. well u need the pin number that was coded to your headunit in the first place. its easy to do, just take off your battery and it will prompt u for the pin
  21. huh i dont think i'll be able to walk that day. stuff u tom ditch me and then organise a cruise yeah real nice
  22. rob... i dont think they do group paints for different colours :P
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