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Posts posted by RXSeven

  1. I've got too many emulators to count lol. Lemme look around man I should have ZNES amoungst all the other ones. The Gameboy advance emulator is mad as well dude. Love Zelda the minish cap. And you can play it in a teeny window and still be on msn or do your work at the same time :o:O:O HOW COOL!!! lol

  2. :blink:


    wtf are you on about?

    you alrigh tdude ????

    ??? No I'm not alright. I never have been. Did all only just notice that?????? Wow :blink:

    If there is a square...then I am outside of it. I'm a musician in an industrial rock band called 'The Teafoots' so that may have something to do with the insanity. We're usually always insane, or different, or special in some way. So officially...'YES I AM STRANGE' lol. Well there always has to be one odd egg amoungst the dozen........and the Godfather Egg...jase lol.

  3. why do you use words i dont understand?

    dictionary.com helped...

    controversial (i know its the same thing but whatever)

    This way it will 'help' you to understand them :D

    'Lobes' (as this is directly what pot [marajuana] targets when it enters the bloodstream)

  4. listen to the people... CREAM = BAD

    i spent a few hours cleaning my leather.... and have little white dots in a few places, quite annoying

    I agree lol

    I made that mistake on one seat, then stopped and realised. I sat there with a pin poking the holes out for 20 mins :( LAMMMMMME

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