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Posts posted by RXSeven

  1. I always use vortex98 because of woolies dockets. Last time I used shell i got 50kms less then from vortex.

    I would use optimax extreme if there was a servo that sold it near me.

    doesnt optimax extreme contain ethanol?


    Yes it does, 5% ethanol. Screw that lol. I hate the crap, it can stay out of my car. Oh and Synergy 8000 and Vortex 98 are the exact same thing, given that Caltex own's Mobil now (you can ask micky_tee, his old man own's a Caltex down here.)

  2. hmmmz so far so good for me.

    Havent had anything pop up just yet.

    Any idea how I can force this virus to execute?

    constantly refreshing au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums seemed to execute the virus over and over again. It lagged IE tho. Wasn't frozen, just going way slow.

  3. Go to internet explorer properties

    Accessed via

    Tools -> Internet Options


    Right clicking on the Internet Explorer Icon on your desktop and selecting Properties.

    Delete All cookies and temporary internet files.

    Run a free online virus scanner


    My guess is theres a something lurking in your cookies which activates when you come on this site.

    Tried this and it was unsuccessful. The virus is executed directly from the forums mainpage. Damn them! lol

  4. Dude I covered this in 'Trojan Troubles'. Look in there. Run a full virus scan and us firefox instead of internet explorer. As always viruses seem to like microsoft products better

  5. I have had this problem ever since i purchased my laptop 3 years ago, after formatting the comp its ok but as soon as i come onto this website it comes back!!! :angry::angry: p.i.s.s. off you sick son of b.i.t.c.h.e.s. making lives inconvenient for people.. get a life!!! :angry::angry:


    It's not just this website mate. Trojans are the mainstay of the virus community. In this case, these aholes are abusing our site. They may have harmed more than we know. Everyone. MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU DO A SCAN. Ensure your firewall is up also. A trojan will allow the hacker to access your pc through a hack engine that searchs via IP address. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting constantly in here to remind people :D. And download firefox from www.mozilla.com. The virus doesn't effect that web browser as stated before (cheers man). Just like Internet Explorer but the 'suckiness' is turned down low. Kinda like comparing Windows to Linux. Steve may have already done something also. That 'suspicious' thread I saw previously is now gone. Interesting.

  6. I've gone back to using Firefox as of today. I forgot how effective and problem free it is. Now to remove Windows and put Linux on lol.

    Also, note the actual trojan file down for reference later. Both the actual Trojan Type (underlined and in blue on the real time scan) and it's actual name (in the download progress window and file location in the real time scan). This thing executes on the exact URL: au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums. Some shythead has planted something. Possibly the one who started that suspicious thread titled 'Well...this is cool' in the general area of the forums. Hmmmmmmmmm.

  7. Random poetry:

    How Insane?

    How insane can I go? That the question I do not know,

    The rampant incoherent ramblings of each forum to which I post,

    To which one do I adore and treasure the most,

    Boredom is setting in,

    How insane can I go? That the question I do not know,

    The lowering of car, too low even for the track.

    Leaving bright red lines, along tarmac.

    Boredom is setting in,

    How boring can this poem go?

    You, the reader, should already know.

    The Parable of the WRX driver:

    Moaning between headjobs,

    WRX drivers will often whine,

    "Oh when oh when, will Mount Panorama be mine?"

    The answer herein lies,

    Amoungst the odd looks of yobs with pies,

    As they hurl them at the small 4x4 car

    "After this!" they shout, "Lets set it on fire and watch from afar!"

    And there, on that cold patch of mountain a WRX sat,

    Everything stripped, including the cat,

    "Why oh why!" the owner said,

    "Forsaken and spat upon with glee! My car...my car it was thee. Four long years saving and modding. All for what? All for nought. I am now, very, very distraught."

    Through glistening sunlight held back by trees, the WRX driver stooped on his knees.

    A tear rolled down his face, when he noticed, mud infested, the WRX's keys

    The WRX driver pulled himself up off his knees and said,

    "This isn't fun. I might go back and play the PS2 instead."

  8. i think the only problem with used engines is that some might be in better condition than others depending on the previous driver and maintenance record. Do these used engines come with warranty at all?

    Thats true so you don't know what your in for lol the people seeling them will always say its a good engine ;)lol but you wont know till you try it out. i know you get some sort of warranty will engines but dont know how long they give .

    I honestly think you have to be a real idiot to destroy or hinder these things under 40,000km's odd. That's the same with the majority of Honda, Toyota and Nissan motors (not all, but most). As for warranty I'm pretty sure they do.

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