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Posts posted by RXSeven

  1. The Meguires stuff is around $17 a bottle I think? Can't remember. I use it to. If you want something cheaper go for mothers. Mothers is basically a cheaper brand put out by Meguires to my knowledge. The meguires stuff is second to none tho. Smells awesome too.

  2. The guy who slagged the football team -

    Those yobs were not for him

    Turns into a real estate agent

    Who believes in discipline;

    That guy who's the first to use cocaine,

    The wild boy breaking free,

    Ends up in a court of law

    As a prosecuting QC;

    Remember the school captain? -

    Success was a matter of time;

    I can hear her now as she screams,

    'Greg! You missed the stop sign!'

    Forget Snoop Doggy Dogg

    Forget ol' Ice T

    The true word out on the street

    Is produced by the TAC

    What good's the use of striving?

    As life's road in front unravels

    We get to do the driving

    But don't choose the direction we travel.

    Do your homework, or wag for weeks

    And graffiti the Dandenong line;

    It don't matter when you hear that scream:

    'Greg! You missed the stop sign!'

    Some time in the next hundred thousand years

    A comet's gonna wipe out all trace of Man -

    I'm banking on it coming before

    My end of year exam.

    The rich kid becomes a junkie

    The poor kid an advertiser

    What a tragic waste of potential -

    Being a junkie's not so good either.

    Your folks struggled hard for what you've got,

    You are the fruit of their vine;

    But who cares what you sow when what you reap

    Is: 'Greg! You missed the stop sign!'

    Bought a car just the other day

    Man could that baby run

    But you know what they always say:

    There's always a better one.

    Got a tumour in my brain

    Its creeping to my lungs

    And I've searched around in vain

    Can't find me a better one.

    Hardwired into everyone's head

    Is the person they're gonna be

    Growing up ain't a matter of choice

    It's a matter of wait and see.

    And so kids, yeah, you can do it!

    You can do your best

    Girls can do anything

    You can pass the test

    I'm OK, you're OK, We're all right, we're fine

    I thought I saw a semi-trailer

    Greg! You missed the stop sign!

  3. Hey Mario, I've got a NES, SNES and N64 emulator for the pc. Can you say "Super Mario Brothers 1 2 and 3?" hahahaha.

    Let us know if you want a copy.

  4. My mate Roger got a girl pregnant when he was fourteen. He was so shyt

    scared he told me, and when he said

    that her dad was a cop I thought he was joking. I told him he's got to

    tell someone, and so he went and told a teacher, and the girl eventually

    got an abortion. He was f..king shytting himself, let me tell you, but

    six months later he was f..king around like always.

    "You betta watch it" I thought to myself. But Roger was pretty f..king

    sure of himself. He was the guy who first brought a block of hash to a

    party. Because I was his friend I was there when he first showed it to

    people, and we all went down the backyard and he rolled a joint. Where

    did he get it from? My parents would have killed me if they knew. I

    thought we'd all turn into junkies or something if we had too much.

    The last time I saw Roger was last year at the Boxing Day test. He'd

    turned into such a fat, normal, yobbo *****. "The wife nearly didn't let

    me out today" he said, and he did all that chanting yobs do, like "Ooh,

    Aahh, Glenn McGrath". "It got you in the end" I thought to myself, as I

    looked at Roger. "Life got you in the end, pal. You were such a cocky,

    successful winner when we were 16, but now you're just another sad fat

    prick sitting in the M.C.G high-fiving in self-congratulation, as if its

    you that had the skill and determination to play for Australia". Its

    the pricks with the bad haircuts that you've got to watch out for.

    There's never been a popular teenager yet who's done rat's with their

    life. Its the f..ing dorks that give it a real go. Glenn McGrath got

    5 for 50 that day.

  5. Thanks for your concern. But I do trust my feelings and I choose to use Optimax. I have tried Caltex and others, and found Optimax does v.well in my 1zz, plus im getting great mileage out of it (might be different story with 2zz, i dunno). Not saying the other fuels are crap or not as good as Opti but i use it case i get better value.

    BTW Shell is doing v.well here in Bris their always packed when i go to fill up.

    Ahh 1zz. I think the extensive headwork in the 2zz makes it picky. Interesting. Vortex 98 is better (I think so anyway) for the 2zz. I filled up 5 times in a row with Extreme and the only thing I noticed was poor fuel economy and no difference in power :S 1zz must be a different story then. MUST BE. Shell are still good. It least it's not like the fuel from a Dala Habibi Kwikimart or anything lol. At the end of the day thank *** for Shell, Caltex, BP and Mobil.

  6. dude... I'm talking about a push bike, not a motor bike... <_<

    I have been talking about saving time a petrol... motor bikes still use petrol...

    sorry to hear about your dad but I too have had my grandfather, 2 uncles and a couple of family friends all seriously hurt in motor cycle accidents (one of my uncles by a bus) so I know where you are coming from, and would never ride a motorbike on city streets either.

    But I've been cycling for many years and also had close calls, but the speeds I do on the treadly do not come close to those on a motor bike. Most of my accidents or near misses involved parked cars pulling out on main roads where the driver was not paying attention...

    Oh I know man. It was more aimed it Les that one. And yeah...I dunno. I like the idea of being on 4 wheels and surrounded by metal more. It's safer lol. And I agree...car drivers need to pay attention more, but motorcyclists who do stupid **** like cutting in and out of lanes and going up in between lanes at a set of lights really annoy me. I have no patience for them. Soz to hear about your family moto troubles too.

  7. les if it's only 5 minutes away why not ride a bike and save petrol <_<

    would probably be quicker then sitting in traffic too

    I am not a fan of motorbikes. I have a mountain bike and I will ride that to work once I get the flat fixed !

    BUT would you ride a bike with drivers like these on the road ?! It's only 5 minutes to work, but it may cut my life short !

    Actually I do ride everyday :)

    but I take the back streets and bike paths ;)

    I value my life too much to take the main roads... thogh negotiating through a traffic jam is fun an really pisses off the drivers that can only sit there and do nothing... or perhaps a few curls :lol::lol::lol:

    My Father used to ride moto's. He was rammed off the road by another car who didn't see him when they were changing lanes. My dad was nearly killed. He woke up on the entrance rug or a prestigious hotel here in Canberra, where he'd ended up after dragging and skidding 20m off his bike. A police officer at the scene noticed he was out of his daze, "Don't look down mate, Ambulance is here now.". My father looked down. His shin bone was shattered in two, the lower part sicking out of his leg. He had a steel pin in there for 6 years before having to have his leg broken again to get it out. He was happy as he nearly lost his leg. He hasn't riddin since. Neither will I. I hate the things. Like watching them, but not riding them.

  8. Yeah F1 cars use better fuels (each team use different ones/bands).

    Ferrari road cars are "highly recommend" to use Optimax

    Marketing. Ferrari and Shell have a business relationship. That's the only reason they're telling people to use it. It's all about image, and Shell wanted Ferrari to give them an image. Trust your feelings, don't be told what to use. Decide for yourself man. I used to use Optimax as well. Then I opened my eyes. Shell are having trouble here locally anyway. Ever since Caltex and Woolworths formed a strategic alliance they've been appearing everywhere. The Shell servo down the road just got turned into a Caltex. There's a Caltex servo popping up every minute. I have to say, I'm glad about it too.

    Oh and Optimax Extreme? It's still 95RON with a an additive to boost it to 100RON. Once Shell decide to properly formulate a 98RON or 100RON fuel like BP, Mobil and Caltex have done, then I may give them some thought.

  9. I never get sick of saying this story but,

    I once saw a guy doing weights in the car whilst driving.


    Otherwise. I'm guilty of alot of those things. I drive with driving/fog lights on in the day, i weave through lanes, dont use a blinker, speed through peak traffic, take off at the lights, zoom up ending lanes and forcing my way into the continuing lane, etc etc etc. But I do pay attention to whats going on and focus on whats going on around me.

    I saw some bloke reading a novel while driving, had it weaved into the steering wheel. And kept reading as he took off from the lights :lol:

    But weights would be a classic

    Lipstick up the nose was still the funniest thing I'd seen lol

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