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Posts posted by RXSeven

  1. How many times do we have to ask that this topic be kept on track? :angry:

    If you spot someone, then please post the details.

    If you are the spotted person, or can identify them, then post the details.

    If you want to make mumbo jumbo talk about different things, then please either PM each other, chat on MSN or create a topic in the general chat area….. PLEASE!!!!!!


    Spotted, black face lift with 18 chromies in belco again yesterday. Whoever it is they are very elusive. Hmmmmm.

  2. Has this problem been sorted..???

    a message from the admins would be appreciated.

    Steve is working on it. Make sure your firewall(s) is/are up still and you're using Firefox man. We'll hear from him again soon. Just keep checking the 'All members should read this' sticky in the general forum.

  3. I just picked up my coils in the morning, and got them installed as well. All i can say is awesome :D :D , i think i just need better tyres to grip now but that is later down the track. The ride is not compromised much at all, it is stiffer than standard as expected but not painfull ride at all. I was suprised, as when they were installed i did the push up down test and damn dey didnt move much :o :o :o :o . These are a bang 4 buck mod, that will increase handling, all i need extra is a rear sway bar, and ill be happy.

    2 fingers gaps is what i lowered it to, had to still be able to drive up the driveway. Had one incident :( :( . The 2 front sway bar holder nut snapped <_< <_< (TAIWAN QUALITY). Took like an hr to get the old screws out, when they finally were removed we used high tensile bolts. Everything was smooth sailing from there.

    i highly recommend these coils to anyone lookn to get coils

    haha blue STivo heres d review u were waitn for. Ill make an effort 2 come to the next meet and you can see for urself

    I agree man. If you're after something below $1500 these are awesome. I'm going D2's just because I've allowed that in my budget. Lower it more man ;) Just take it easy with it. Re: push up down test, the things are like poles haha. They don't move.

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