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Kenshin X

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Posts posted by Kenshin X

  1. she did this four times then relised she was doing 70 in a 60 zone...

    LMAO! lucky she only gets fined once though becuz they take the highest speed within 24 hours from the same camera.

    are you talking about the "station road" near deer park?

  2. HI ALL!

    I thought i might put my hand up for this months' montly meet for Victorian TOCA members.

    I was thinking something along the line of a cruise to the dandenong mountains. We could pre-arrange meeting spots and drive up there together or anyone could just come along whenever. This is still very raw and in the early stages of planning so feel free to add input or ideas/suggestions.

    I was thinking of doing it on a sunday and making a day thing cause this month is a busy one for me. :P

    We could meetup for carwashes and head up there, have a (responsible) mountain run if we want, check out the scenery, stop by somewhere for a nice meal by lunchtime and head home after that. Plus throw in a few stops here and there for a chat, catchup and photo opportunities of course!

    I think we've all changed our rides a fair bit since our last meets, it'll be nice to catch up and see how everyone is going. hopefully we can get some new faces out too.

    In saying this though, i dont know how the weather will be on us this month so hopefully if it goes ahead.. we have a nice day with sunshine and no rain.

    The date hasnt been announced yet.. so we'll see how this goes and we'll go from there.


    im in too i havent been to dandenongs yet so it would be nice to go and meet up with u folks too =D

  3. Day of reckoning has come..

    Car is going into inspection in the morning.

    So we shall see what QBE have to say. You might see a massive FS thread soon :(

    far out man, sorry to hear about the hail storm... u must be shattered. When the hail storm hit in melbourne, i saw a lotus elise that was hit by the hail storm... i was just sitting in my car and thought "Oh......My......God......"

    GL with insurance!

  4. hey mate welcome to the forums, if u live in the western suburbs, there is an auto electrican on somerville road in sunshine... good rates but just check if he still does domestic models cuz last time i heard he was doing only commercial vechiles now.

    as djkor said that autobahn, jb hifi do installations for the headunits, that way u wont void ur warrantee if u stuff something up

  5. To be honest the best way is to take it to a decent reliable pannel shop and get it fixed. Depends were about on the pannel the scratch is and how deep it is they may need to blend another pannel or two. But take it in and get someone to look at it and get a quote your prob looking at somewere between $200-$500.

    just touch it up with touch up paint and should be alright... at that price u might as well be prepared to respray the whole car to take out other imperfections. another colour perhaps? :P

  6. i thought i was doing it right, i was just following the boxes instructions, glide it over until its smooth and i reckon i used heaps of quik detailer. just had the habit of not lifting the clay off so it sticks there =_=... but the parts where i was sure the clay DID NOT stick still had some specks of clay on it. next time i'll do it i'll show it to u guys.

    regardless, the finish showed up really well. i enjoy actually washing my car now knowing it won't scratch it like the stupid brush from the jet wash

  7. Ok i finaly got round to trying this today and it dosnt work. I dont know what im doing wrong but ive tried 4 times and it dosnt want to work.

    the whole thing or just the add on lights?

    i think for the face lift models there was something else that needed to be done (cross wiring or something) i believe and1's got it somewhere in this thread...

  8. people recommend the start of every season. the first time is always the worst cuz the cars been hit with contaminants but the ones following should be more easier =)

    man that rooftop is shiny as... too bad some parts of mine were etched (to the primer) with bird droppings bcuz my friend didn't look after it well =(

    well done mate! :D

  9. Thanks man, yeah its quite pricey, I'll call up a dealership tomorrow firstly and I have to wait for the police to send me a copy of the report as well, I'm tempted to sleep in my car tonight, lol I've done it before and I have to say they are quite comfy :lol:

    But yeah, I have a rough idea on who it might've been, but I can't jump to conclusions like that.. theres a house down the road from me that had 2 unregistered ZZE's in their driveway for about 2 weeks, they were there yday, and it just so happens that today there no longer there? I don't know but it just feels like something really dodgie is going on, I just hope they don't attack my car anymore :(

    I've had a pretty sh*tty week :(

    Which suburb did this occur in? make sure I don't leave my stivo parked out there with blardy ninjas lurking around. Hope you find out who taxed them off you... should garage your car from now on.

    Happened in Yarraville out of all places, right in the car port... it was probably late at night <_<

    Ohhh if I find them its gonna be hell on earth! :D

    great... western suburbs... i live in there too, i NEVER trust people with my car parked outside. Last time i parked the cortina in the front, had my wallet stolen, was raging at the time. :angry:

  10. Just be aware there are plenty of fake brake pads out there. I'd recommend buying from a reputable source; it's not like buying fake C-One wing tips.

    hey SD, thinking about this, my uncle when he fitted the pads, said that there is a little bit of copper in the compound... is this normal?


  11. thanks guys..

    exactly what i needed.. got massive scratches on my car and failed at trying to do it myself.. (after spending $200 bucks on meguiars goods..)

    whoa man, did you buy the whole range? i just spent 100... :o

    also take some time man, if u follow the guide on this forum it teaches u from A to Z, u WILL get those scratches out. Unless like dread said, if the scratches are to the bare metal, touch it up NOW before it rusts. took me 7 hours of my life to do it but the results are amazing :)

  12. This looks like fun, i noticed the spare bulb hole when i took my tail lights out casue they filled up with water. I might give this a go tomorrow :)

    wtf how did you get water in there??? rain can't get inside thats for sure

    yeah just remember, when u drill there will be rubbish going inside. I was stupid and blew on it thinking the plastic inside would blow out. Then i turned it over and it was all over the indcator, other bits of the tail light! :o had to use a vaccuum cleaner to get it out. still gotbits in there though :(

    use the soldering iron to touch up around the edges. i used duct tape and blu tack to stick the holder there LOL

  13. Hey,


    These TRD brake pads seem like a bargain. Has anyone purchased them for their sportivo? If so, are they the real deal and what is their quality like (low noise, low dust)?


    hey mate, i bought them off ebay last week. only fitted the fronts on and yes they are really good. steering wheel doesn't shudder anymore. They ARE a bargain and i plan to buy another set of fronts for storage. otherwise i might buy the HPQ brands. (search them up on the forums and highly regarded here on TOCAU)

    about the brake dust well... just clean your rims weekly and they should be alright. u can't have everything :P

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