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dutchie101 last won the day on January 9 2012

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About dutchie101

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    2009 Corolla Levin ZR 6 speed
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  1. doesnt like black ops much, no skill, just reaction time... one shot wonders and way too arcade like with tiny maps. Close enough is good enough for most shots. Back to BFBC2.. real war... :D Flame suit on!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dutchie101


      I wont tell you NOT to get it. Im sure there are plenty of people out there that love arcade action. Im a simulation kinda guy, and Black Ops was just turd to me. A sprayfest thats visually nice. Not accurate, not skilled, just fast and close enough with tiny little maps, or "arenas" is a better word. Feels like laser tag i used to play as a kid. :D

    3. cruzer


      im a fan of all shooting games lol. The one game i really really want is gt5 i've had it preordered for months :(

    4. flipsta24


      i'm the same as you guys, it's not great, and it's not bad i'm in between, but i've also pre ordered GT5...that's all im waiting for

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