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Everything posted by yaris_girl_aus

  1. hey everyone sorry for not rockin up at willowbank, yeah i have been pretty sick lately an i wanted to make an appearance but wasnt feelin well so we went home :( wish i could have raced! thanks heaps mazda team for the award much appreciated!!! if an event like this comes up again il make sure im there!
  2. hey your car looks awesome well done i wish my yaris had half those mods lol very nice L.
  3. hey everyone i dont know if anyone will read this before you leave but i have to work this mornin(thats where i am now) so il meetin u all at the park so if anyone hears or sees me doin laps around the park an i cant find anyone run over an wave me down!!! cant wait to race today its goin to be so so much fun! see u all really really soon lauren xxx
  4. yeah the rollas definalty have a bit more power at the take off no doubt about it
  5. I test drove a yaris before i bought the SP20...they are not too shabby..no idea how they'll go down the strip, but there will be a few stockish 1.8L 323s, and some older astinas there (some far more powerful than others...)...so i wouldnt discount your chances at throwing something down. You can also rip things out to drop your weight (rear seats and spare wheel would prob yield the biggest results...)... My car will prob be running without the rear seats, spare wheel and jack... tho i wanna do some runs in street trim to get some benchmarks superdave: not till late until the day..but i would like some rough numbers for when i go shopping for the sausages... BBQ is for a good cause...its for the "Buy LordWorm a Sports Exhaust Fund" :) yeah il take my spare, jack, the 200 pairs of shoes (lol) an my subs(excuse me while i cry without them in my car!) an a yaris is only a 1.5L can anyone please give me tips to race
  6. come on please please lol well you know, *cough* i am very popular and have a very busy schedule *cough*... i might be able to fit you guys and girl in somewhere lol thanks hehehe
  7. yeah im still in il be the sad car everyone laughs at!!!! i mite convince another yaris or two to come
  8. hey everyone jus wondering if theres anyone comin out this week cause we have some more echos/yaris' that are askin about meetin up!!!!
  9. Added stereo? Did u buy new speakers?? Sound off...tempting........but unfortunately..i won't be out tonite.. hey hsien missed ya last thurs nite yeah i had my 2 twelve subs plus a 15 inch clarion sub!!! the 15 was only temporary cause i only had 2 seats! hopefully mite see u next wk
  10. yeah il be out most likely with some added stereo!!!! sound off anyone???
  11. me too id love a sway bar if anyone backs out
  12. phew... i wont be the only girl :D yay!!!!! finally the other times ive met up ive been the only girl!!! yay!!!
  13. You do own a Rolla, its just a little smaller than most! :P yes..if we all squint our eyes a bit..it is a baby rolla...or if i take off my glasses...hehe I'm actually referring to her radio control TTR Corolla, but you do have a point! :D lol yeah i guess i'l have to charge it up so i can bring it out!!! bummed i missed last wk if there was a good turn out so il diffently be there this wk
  14. ay! theres not jus rolla snobs lol il be seein ya guys next week
  15. hey first of all GO THE YARIS!!!! i got one recently as well! ok next watch the indicators mine jus fell off one day drivin along the highway! if ur not sure about wheels an wateva jus check out my garage it has a pic of yaris!! enjoy ur yaris :D
  16. i mite go for somethin to do depends if anyone else is goin???
  17. lol yeah il bring it out i probably wont be there tomorrow cause my just got a new road bike an is takin me on a long ride somewhere ( i dont know some mountain) an i dont know wat time il be back but il diffently be out next week me, elvis an my "RC" rolla later xox
  18. yeah il be at milton cause i got to pick up my new sticker\
  19. 1.3L???? why didnt u get the 1.5L??? u can tell the difference cause i have a 1.5L an the other day i had a loan car which was a corolla an its a 1.8 an i noticed the difference!
  20. yeah i'l have to get some pics up .... i've got a rolla while mines in the shop an i want mine back i miss my exhaust and subs lol!!!!
  21. i bought a yaris about a month ago now and already ive put 17 inch chromes on it, 2 alpine subs an changed my front speakers (cause they didnt cut it with the subs)!!!! im now lookin at kitting it and possibly when warranty runs supercharging it!!!! oh and they are extremly fuel effecient!!!! xxx
  22. cool i'm going to be there to meet all of you and to let you all have a peek at my yaris :) see ya all at 8:30 at sunnybank!
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