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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. considering the remote wire costs $3/metre from autobarn + jbhifi... 25m/$3 is a bargain! is it decent wire? same thickness as regular remote wire?
  2. nice to see that the switch actually works! i was actually thinking of that idea while i was installing my 2nd amp. it made a lot of sense and i realised all the benefits youve mentioned, but i was already in the middle of installation... and wasnt possible 4 me to drive the car at the time since both my front seats were sitting in the driveway... another problem is that the remote wire i have wouldnt be long enough to accomodate a switch, meaning i gotta buy longer wire. but yea.. if i had thought of that b4 hand and bought a switch.. id have 1 in already
  3. how in the world did you find THIS site?! ignition x are screwy with always changing their site address... whats going on!?~ even if they move house, the least they can do is keep their site running consistantly
  4. yep i did all that testing without the kinky little screwdriver :P how else do u do it? i ended up soldering the remote wire to EVERY other possible wire i could think of. :P made a bit of a mess... but nothing electrical tape couldnt cover up hahaha the grey wire isnt the perfect solution, but its the best 1 you got when hookin amps up to your stocky
  5. yea kinda hard to understand what you meant by "run like a dog"... coz my lil dog in my avatar can dodge traffic really well :P if you said it runs like a 3 legged dog or something to that effect i would have gotten it first time :P
  6. ohhhkay... well that sucks 4ss. yea the sportivos dont have the same plastic so i was guessing we had some metal pipes under the plastic. good on the other hand that it actually has a function (unlike that engine cover.. just for looks?).. and reduces weight.. if i cant drive without it, then at least i should be able to take it off to paint it!?? :/
  7. facial expression looks like beavers takin it up the butt
  8. im kinda sick of looking at all the plastic on the 1zz engine... so i took off the plastic top that sits over the engine.. but im also wanting to get rid of the 4 plastic pipes that go down the front of it. anyone know how to remove it??? is it recommended that i keep it on?
  9. thats a good thing, right?
  10. if its not the grey wire.. (mine is connected to the grey1) is it the blue/yellow wire?
  11. JJCRU23R

    Hot Chicks

    bare naked ladies sorry- been waitin 4 years to do that joke
  12. JJCRU23R


    yea thats a good point. gaming companies should have more of a say as to how the storyline is done. i understand that there is usually going to be an issue when a book/comic/video game is ADAPTED to work on film.. but by that same token, there is a certain element that made the book/comic/game so popular in the first place and it shouldnt be messed with for the sake of selling movie tickets. one good example of this is SIN CITY.. although jessica alba dissapointed coz she turned her charactor into a stripper who never ended up stripping?! havent seen 300 yet.. but i saw a site where they compared the comic to some of the screenshots and my mouth DROPPED. is that out already??
  13. i remember that i did try to connect the remote wire to other wires like the clock n stuff but the grey wire did what i initally wanted it to do. ON THE OTHER HAND... one thing i noticed on my setup is that the speakers still make a faint hissing noise even when the stereo is off.. and ive only turned the key on so that just the accessories is on. turns out that both my amps still light up even if the stereo is off. this is a problem if you dont want to waste your batteries! so connecting the remote to the grey wire isnt the perfect solution IMHO. what it comes down to is that if you are sitting in your car with the engine and stereo off, take the key out of the ignition. your still draining energy from your batteries if you hooked up your remote wires the way i did.
  14. it looks liek a bad photochop... try sending that to hot4s magazine put it into their photoshop section
  15. that box on the back is the flux capacitor! its what makes... time travel... possible..
  16. did something happen to your car msrola? heard someone say your car wasnt sounding too good as you drove off and came back again
  17. JJCRU23R


    ivan drago was good as he-man! but they did stuff that up by transporting them from their reality to our real world with fast food n sh!te... hehe kylie was good in streetfighter... but yea they stuffed up dhalsim being a sh!tty scientist who does NOTHING special.. as well as blanka.. -side note- if you wanna see a real (not cgi) yoga master with stretchy arms in a movie, check out ONE ARMED BOXER vs THE FLYING GUILLOTINE. good stuff! AVP.. wasnt bad since i didnt expect anything and 4got all the previous alien and predator films that came b4 it. btw this is from the same movie company who brought us freddy vs jason... so yea. that movie was a stuffup.. since neither of them are ever going to die. doom... kinda liked that 1?! the 1 sequence that went into 1st person view was amazing... the CGI and special effects were awesome..(example - pinky?!) and it was obvious there had to be some sort of reason in the storyline for the hero to be off by himself - just like he was in the very first game of doom. from memory... doom (the original game) never gave any explanation as to why he was off by himself in the firstplace...and you kinda had to just discover it as you progressed through the game. bottom line - if you have no expectations about the movie b4 you walk in the cinema to see it, then you wont be dissapointed!
  18. na man its not actually a remote wire.. its some other wire that basically does the same function when you wire up your remote wires to it. just checked what the grey wire is on our rolla. its the +12 volt ignition wire if that means anything to you. tell your mate to check WWW.INSTALLDR.COM to search wiring diagrams for his stock stereo.
  19. me thinks that saying only applies 4 things that dont work... hehe i dunno.. but yea.. if youve got the money to spend on some quality name brand audio equipment then good on you. as long as you keep your recipt n warranty papers then your pretty much secure that it would work perfectly. peice of mind in what u buy is a good thing 2 have
  20. the meet was great 2nite :P nice 2 see all of your cars in the flesh.. unfortunately my pics dont really give your cars justice.. plus most of yall left b4 i could get a pic of the whole car park :/
  21. JJCRU23R


    didnt notice i 4got harrison fords charactor in those movies... :P CHEWY'S SLEEPING ON HIS BACK IN MY BEAN BAG WITH HIS BALLS CATCHING THE BREEZE... didnt u see my avatar :P
  22. JJCRU23R


    i dont believe thats true!? i mean... chewy wasnt trying 2 be THAT funny in the original films...? i think that the story of starwars changed over time.. its like 20+ years between the originals and the "episode 1,2,3" movies. from memory, all of the main charactors had some funny in them. luke, leia, chewy, indiana jones... they all had sarcasm or jokes at 1 point or another! compare that to the newer movies with jar jar... modern scriptwriters put all the funny into just 1 charactor.. kinda like an 'urkel' charactor amongst the straight ppl in the film... anywayz... me n the wife are heading off to the meet soon..
  23. yea the bass control is my best friend :) especially when my kids in the car... need 2 put that sub down to zero so he dont go deaf b4 the age of 1.
  24. JJCRU23R


    could have just CGI'd the head just like jar jar binks in starwars
  25. JJCRU23R


    the story for TMNT is supposed to have grown up a bit with the young adults who used 2 watch it as kidz. (paraphrasing from the newspaper article i read yesterday). sounds interesting though? who cares if it was CGI... its NINJA TURTLES for freekz sake.. how realistic did you expect it to be?
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