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Everything posted by Tats

  1. :o So mean. Seriously, I'm looking at the car keys, considering a Woolies raid.....
  2. 4 left I think. I'm hungry :(
  3. My timetable interferes with my lunch :( Maybe I've got my priorities wrong....
  4. Stivo rims, Stivo kit, Stivo badges..... I wonder what it is Haha, nicely done! :D Off to my first lecture for the session *gulp*, catch ya'll later....
  5. New day, more whoring.... *yawn*
  6. Problem. I like supporting forums, but I don't like PayPal. Solution?
  7. Fire drill at work today, no work for Tats from 3:20pm to 4pm...... even if the drill only went for 15 mins.....
  8. Village idiot..... erm..... Tats!
  9. Nah, spring session just started yesterday. Got classes on Wednesday and Thursday :( 4 months until summer holidays, the countdown is on....
  10. Commerce, marketing major. 3rd year.
  11. Not bad, pretty average day in the 'gong, just started raining very lightly.... gotta buy my textbooks today methinks. How 'bout you?
  12. That's exactly what I thought when I saw the preview. "I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark, when he made Pearl Harbour.... I miss you more than that movie missed the point, and that's an awful lot girl....."
  13. Does anyone else start work at 8am? *yawn*
  14. 2 more before another King :(
  15. Wow, I'm in a thread with 4 girls..... I think I had a dream about this once..... :D
  16. I better make the most of being King..... Erm......
  17. Speaking of which, S8.E6 should be available on BitTorrent now.... for all those naughty people who get things without paying for them, tsk tsk....
  18. Funny story, that epsiode was originally shown on 17/7/05..... one year ago today...... *spooky music*
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