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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. Very Sneaky i wouldnt have spotted them unless i see the police signs lol *must stick to speed limit* haha :P
  2. LoL why group buy when you can make your own :P
  3. They both look awsome! :D B) If they were one the market i rekon they'd be a hit
  4. Pull Muahaha had to look up in the dictionary for this :P
  5. Detention Haha i got it wrong my bad "hides"
  6. Ipod i want one lol the video one thats is :P
  7. Its to far lol i wont be able to pick it up plus if im going to look for another corona it will have to be a 5 speed manual :D Look at a 5 speed celica box. Should be some cheap on ebay. Nearly bought one for my escort, but opted for the Sierra box (not much difference). How far is it? Not worth hiring a tilt tray? To far next state :P i'd rather get the mags if i can haha :D With those corona pics i seen them in a diff post LoL someone for bored!!!!!!
  8. Full stop Hello peps man its hot ! ;) LoL like summer haha
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