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Everything posted by Sportivo05

  1. have a good nite all.. talk 2morrow!!!!!!!!! ciao!!!
  2. Boooo Pete!!!! Mikey!! this time i didnt try.. :P :P :P (thats my excuse) lol
  3. bad luck??????????? i wasnt even trying this time.. :P
  4. no way!! they are everywhere!!! just gotta steal em off the guys that wear em!!! mwahaha goo go go mish!
  5. AHAHAHA b quiet mikey! u didnt look hard enuf then pete.. hahaha jokes!!!!!!!!!!! ill find some :)
  6. movie nite at mishs place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I know... its all good my friend :D :D so did u find my uggies pete?
  8. naughty pete hahaha.. very nauuuuuughhhhttttyyyyyyy ;)
  9. im very well KING mikey! HEY JASE!!!! hows it goin in melbourne?
  10. Oh come on guys... still innocent haha :P MIKEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WELCOME BACK!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
  11. Why bec? we are on page 169 see how much its grown! Yes.. wowwwwwwww pg 169 haha Ive probly got the dirty mind then lol dont worry pete hahaha
  12. ur a dirty bugger too pete HAHAHA :P
  13. i missed it too Pete :( But congrats Dave :).. is there somethin we can do for you????????
  14. Robz alrite.. arent u robby?
  15. HAHAHA... its the only way i can chat to people without being on msn lol mikey and that smile!!! :D
  16. Im lost... sorry mish.. i cleared it up a bit haha
  17. did u go shopping pete ? :P
  18. Petes back... look out!! :D
  19. Oh your joking!! 1:10PM?? sooo jealous right now!!! Hey Mish!!!!!!!! Yes i missed you :)
  20. Wash my car too tom!!!!!!!! lol :P
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