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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Yes it's about time isn't it...lol
  2. Super lame aims :( It'll be a lot better now though ;)
  3. Cover letter = 1 page Each Selection Criterion = 1/2 to 1 page each ;)
  4. Actually that looks like 1 selection criterion out of 6 that you have to write up for this position, so there would be 5 more of these Phill PLUS a cover letter haha.
  5. See that Phill? Classic. Structed, use of polished grammer and flows nicely. Azza is your classic Pube (Public servant).
  6. I honestly said this: "Awesome car, hate the power...there is none. I want the escort to drive everyday." Then I decided to actually practice using the powerband and quickshift. Due to that I've embarrassed a fair few people in some little 'off the lights drags' lol. It's only a corolla huh? Yeah mate whatever...
  7. Azza, who is better: Sonic, Knuckles, Tayles or...that...girly thing?
  8. Ahhhh you're in the Private Sector bec. Private is still very good. I'm in the Private Sector atm.
  9. Hit me up anytime if you want phil. I'll give you a hand with it. It sounds daunting, but it's not really. Everything is supposed to be uber-formal with the government remember lol. Once you're in there and you have a security clearance though, boom, the govey work is anywhere you want it ;)
  10. Government work is cool. Surf the net all day lol. And play sonic huh Azza lol
  11. AHA!!! I found something perfect. I've decided to have only one pod now in the a-pillar (don't want to look like a ricer boy) and this should look nice and posh. http://www.autometer.com/dpss/index.html Gauge style. EDIT: I rang Rocket Industries regarding this gauge. $220. Fair enough. The guy on the phone wasn't very friendly though.
  12. It's a cannon. Therefore it's loud as fuk lmao. I'll ask him when it's on man.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOTSFrlVG4s One of the best laps I've seen around Bathurst. So aggresive.
  14. I'll do one for you bec ;)
  15. NOTE: Realistic animal cruelty. Everything was propped. Was not real. The carcass is actually the result of ABC's sfx unit which was made from scratch. Is NOT real lol.
  16. Are 'Finish Him' moves allowed? Fatalities?
  17. Just saw Brians last night. Looks nice but I'll see how I go. I can picture my old man going off haha.
  18. Ahhhh yes. You only win that once lol...
  19. hmmm...I'd say so lol next time though...say something like, "The purple monkey grew wings and flew north to the coat hanger metropolis for sushi and glass bananas."
  20. Azza... Ian Chappell lol: "And wowwieee...wow, what a big uh...hit uh...that was. Fark you says Gilchrist as he uh, dispatches that big shot..." Eastlake: "Ahohohohoho, it's ok Rich...it's gunna big...huge...HUUUGGEEE hohohoh!" "Darryl any chance of shutting the fark up?" "Oh uh, yeah ok Rich hohohohoho"
  21. "Yes Bull...well, Jarvegimoite Formeandad has awlso been leeft out, and Rammatongua Downathroata, awlso uz up sh!t creek wuthout a peddle...but uh...you're drowning me out a butt, maybe let me do some more of the commentary..." "Oh you never had and problems holding your own Tony Greig. In fact you probably hold it too often...hahaha GOT 'IM YES! Never got yer hand of it in fact...hahaha...GOT 'IM AGAIN! YES!!!" "Fark uff Bull, yes yes bug lawghs bug lawghs..."
  22. I suck Jason. Help me do it lol
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