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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Lo Wang comment no. 5 "Sleep is for the weak!"
  2. Friday night after we had a long talk. We're keeping it hush hush. We both decided to it as a sign to say we're commited, very deeply. Which we already are. Not getting married for a lonnnnnng while haha. 10 years plus, and that's if we do (defatco...meh). Parents don't know otherwise they'd freak and think I'd be tieing the knot like, this year.
  3. That's bad bex. See that's because you're a smart driver.
  4. Seriously Yes, tis new. Tis recent also yes :D
  5. Yes? Do you? You're up too Jase what's your excuse? lol
  6. Dude...where did you see them? And what time? That's all jase is askin' man
  7. I agree, even van der Saad had something to learn from him. Lo Wang comment no. 11 - Lo going down a stream in his boat in the second episode: "Row row row your boat, gentery downda da streammmm...oooooo I think I see my dingy hanging out!! Ahhhahahaha!!"
  8. Quintessential - The love felt between me and my fiance. Did I say fiance? I did too hehe :P
  9. Don't worry, there's no WATER on your planet anyway...We call it H2O here on Planet Earth...hehe :) Xenonos knows this. Upon visiting Mars I discovered this liquid. I also discovered that the hailed beverage 'Whaskee' (spelling? Xeonos not know Mars talk all that good) is our substite for this 'H20' on Basslysk V. For some as yet unknown reason the Marsians are longing to see Basslysk V. What interesting people these Marsians and Venusites are. So unpredicatable (I have actually found through my studies that a Venusite can spontaneously combust emotionally in moments...I am yet to discover the cause for this, and apparently so are the Marsians.) Xenos Chief Research Officer
  10. ? Ok soccer is gheyyyyyyyyyy I'm too used to watching Rugby...it's way harder. Stuff like that happens every second in a Rugby game and is considered general play. How are guys supposed to take soccer seriously when people constantly take dives and crap? He was just trying to get the ball and he gets sent off for it. Anyway, Brandon is trying to convince me that is was 'harsh' as we speak but I still think it's GHEEEYYYYY lmao
  11. Yayyyyyy... Fark that other one was close tho :o
  12. Yeah man...seriously. Don't tell me you DON'T know what I'm talking about? Ok ok, I'll say this...DO NOT WATCH GERMAN PORN. Nuff said.
  13. It's for your own good man that Jase told you off. You never know, there could be crazy chicks on the net out there that have one of those 'pee fetishes' *shudders*
  14. All those Weet Bix ads made me want Weet Bix dammit. MAYBE THOSE BUGGERS SHOULD EAT A BOX BETWEEN THEM! COME ON PULL YOUR FINGERS OUT!!! *Yes I am a Rugby supporter, hence the agression.
  15. Wtf? Let's just belt it at the goal and hope. Mannnnn that's nooooot how you play against a team like that. Open man on the right too.
  16. yes...yes...that is a good idea lol
  17. Rob van den Berg <------------------ That's me. 'van den Berg' lol. Don't really matter who wins I'm all good hahaha.
  18. Oh my *** you're right. I'VE GOT IT NOW!! DUDE DUDE DUDE!! They're trying to keep ALIEN'S from seeing where they are with all that crap on it!!! HAH! That's it! They're those 'aliens spy on me all the time' freaks! I'd hate to see their house.
  19. Settle down champion, look in your own driveway ;) Tom IS cool though :) Did somebody say CARPUTER?!?!? Personally i dont see what the whole big deal is about this secret weapon crap.....How much can you possible do to a rolla?? turbo, supercharge or NOs; if not its a engine convo!!!!Big woopie frickin doo dahhh!!! just get it over and done with the whole secretive crap cos if its building up this much hype it would want to be sumthing pretty impressive or i can feel it coming that someone is gonna get MOCKED!!! :P :D haha sunny i think that was a joke!!!!!! thats my bro, he was replying to me saying that his car is awesome, its just what we do lol, no secret weapon here!!!! 'cept for the fully sick neons all throughout the car oh yeah!!!!! I'm building a soap box racer made out of Omo boxes and putting a 2zz in it. Watch out sunny. 10 second car man.
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