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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Sweet. Nice hp. My armor set will start being replaced by purples (that's IF Warhammer doesn't sate me). Full arena set, with pvp bracers, belt and boots...then whacking big spellpower, intel and stamina enchants on them. The arena shield is uber as well. You're going to have a lot of fun up top dude trust me. Try and upgrade your gauntlets when you can too man. You don't wanna be wearing crummy Paladin stuff hahaha The key with Battlegrounds dude is to stay in a group. It's paramount. And always pester for heals as well. The Horde seem to be a lot smarter in WSG and AB in regards to healing and support so make use of that and you'll find it becomes more fun :D It's all about playing amoungst other people, if you got the support most of the time you'll have more fun :) Arena's are the same kinda.
  2. I switched proffessions and then discovered BG and Arena, so my care factor went out the window lol. Sweet I shall perv at your profile. It appears the link doesn't work. May not work for mine either. Just enter it in the search field lol.
  3. Nothing wrong with Mazda's. We're open minded ;) Heck, micky_tee has a massive crush on a Series 6 RX7 still to this day. Plus Mazda is owned by Ford so that just puts them on a much higher pedestal :P
  4. I think people became concerned with the 70 cap. The amplification of stats went crazy which is why I think there's a lot of Gnome Warriors being abandoned on our server :( Very sad. It's so comical seeing a Gnome Warrior with the GM Slicer and GM Quickblade (2 bad ar5e 1 handers) going mental. Never thought I'd see the day where I had close to 500 stamina and my hit points hitting 10,000 nearly* :o Note: This is while buffed in instances. Oi whack down all your profiles from the armory so we can geez at our stuff :P http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/characte...mp;n=Corollisus You can tell I care about my professions huh lol.
  5. I've seen a few Gnome Warriors. To be honest their racial base stats don't make them good Warriors (not as much strength or stamina as the human / dwarve variants). It is pretty funny to see a little midget up there tanking though lol. Only in WoW would you see that. The game mechanics in Warhammer are more realistic. Ie: If a goblin went up to try and tank something in Warhammer you'd most likely see it get soccer kicked across the battleground. lol.
  6. They have better racials for it Undead have: Fear immunity Gnomes have: Escape artist (gets out of being frostnova'd to the ground etc). Human racial: Perception. Why rogues hate human players so much lol. It increase our stealth detection. My mate hates it haha.
  7. Best race: Gnome, Undead GEAR Head: Lucky Fishing Hat (+100hp/+8agil/+12dodge) Neck: Honored wsg neck Shoulders: Talbar Mantle Back: Sentry Cloak (+3agil/+12dodge) Chest: Blackened Defias Armor (+100hp/+4all stats)/Tunic of Westfall (+100hp/+4all stats) Wrist: Forest Leather Bracers (+9stam)/Wrangler's Wristbands of the Monkey(+9stam) Hands: Scouting Gloves of the Monkey (+15agil)/Red Whelp Gloves (+15agil) Waist: Deviate Scale Belt Legs: Rigid Leggings of the Monkey (+35stam and 12agil)...old version-----> Leggings of the Fang (+100hp/+8agil/+12dodge) Feet: Feet of the Lynx (Minor Speed Increase)/Trailblazer Boots (Minor Speed Increase)/Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots (Boar's Speed/Cat's Swiftness) <-----Both of those are new enchants. Check Thottbot if you do not know what they do Ring #1: Seal of Wrynn/Seal of Sylvanas Ring #2:Meadow Ring of Eluding(recently upgraded)/wsg ring/meadow ring of agility/blood ring Trinket #1: Insignia of the Horde/Insignia of the Alliance/Minor Recombobulator Trinket #2: Arena Grand Master/Minor Recombobulator Main Hand: Shadowfang (Lifestealing/Crusader/+15agil)/Assassin’s Blade (+5dmg/Lifestealing/Crusader/+15agil) Off Hand: Assassin’s Blade (Lifestealing/Crusader/+15agil)/Cruel Barb (Lifestealing/Crusader/+15agil) Ranged: Venomstrike/Hand of Argus Crossfire/Throat Piercers DAGGERS Option 1) 5/5 malice 3/3 imp BS 2/5 Master of deception Option 2) 5/5 malice 3/3 imp BS 2/3 Imp Gouge There you go man lol.
  8. Ah you'll Guild hop like I did until I met these guys. I ended up joining this guild after a fallout with another and haven't looked back. Even gone so far as to meet most of them in real life (and get drunk lol). Sometimes it's situational as well. Another mate of mine (Bonerus 70 Rogue) stumbled across me ages ago when I was in Western Plaguelands tanking around 8 mobs at the one time solo and killing them all (prot ftw lol). Then I stumbled across him tearing shreds out of skellies up the road and was impressed. We talked and then we ended up wanting each other in our guilds haha.
  9. Did you know that technically the 'Alliance' are the bad guys? Too many things have gone wrong with us. We spawned Arthas into what he was by not listening to Medivh. Jaina Proudmore's father came to Kalimdor to kill Thrall and the Trolls because...they weren't human? A55hole. (Jaina was loyal to Thrall and was forced to kill her own Father because of his insanity). FACT: The Tauren and Orc's are the whole reason The Burning Legion did not invade the whole of Azeroth. The Orc's and Tauren are more peaceful and Humane than the Alliance 'Humans' lol. Weird a55 WoW lore. At least Warhammer makes sense. Orc's are mindless death units and speak in East London cockney accents there lol. Aha! It is +15 Stamina. Some loser on the WoW forums was saying it was +9. Definently go for that then ay. More hit points the better for sure. Oh yeah, Phil, it's these guys I met up with on wow. They're just...I dunno lol. They're bloody awesome strategists. Just regular guys at the end of the day though. Jordhos (Josh), I've been drunk with him a few times haha. Funny guy. Typical maddog. Laughs at everything. Manderyll (Grant), our guilds Holy Paladin and master tactician. He's crazy. When he's bored he pops on WoW and does mathematics to determine what will work better in different situations etc. Pi55es off his wife, but hey...we win Arena's because of it hahaha. It's these two that I got most of the knowledge from lol. Couldn't have figured out everything myself no way o.O
  10. Assassination spec'd rogues man. The bane of all plate wearers. They will stunlock you and dps you into the ground lol. It's their specialty. Tis why I rank assassination as a secondary PvP tree to that of Sub.
  11. Make a 39 twink I reckon dude lol. I lot of '35 and over' enchants available for you then. Clefthide armor kit for one. Permenently adds +30 Stamina and +10 Agility to legs. Goes for around 60g. Bargain. Also the Flintrock Spaulders (+10 Strength, +10 Agility, +5 Stamina). Best bloody shoulders for 30's. Plus there's a few decent daggers there as well in the 30's. Additionally things like +24 attack power to bracers and gloves come into play (another 35 or over enchant). If you still want a lvl 19 twink though a mix of assassination and sub I think was the go. Also you can gain +9 Stamina and +9 Spirit out of the goggles you can make when you get your engineering high enough. A lot of twinks do that too. EDIT: I see you George. Don't pay out on us you lol.
  12. Dead

    New Music

    This monkeyyyssss gonnneee to heavennnnn...
  13. Riding crop is different to the Carrot on a Stick. Carrot on a stick = 3% increase. Riding crop = 10% increase. Crusader is indeed a weapon enchant. Crusader 'Aura' however is a Paladin Aura that gives us 20% extra mounted speed when activated. So the riding crop is the best you can do unfortunately man. Up to you with DW dude. The way Blizzard have designed DPS warriors though is 'slower the speed the more damage caused to target'. My mate Josh (who's our GM too) wields a big **** 2h epic axe. He switched from DW to 2h when the changes were made by Blizz. His executes have gone up to 10,000. Yes...that's right...10,000 lol that's more than my hit points hahahaha. 'Jordhos' on Khaz'goroth. Look him up in the armory man and have a look at his gear. I'm being persistent because I think once you spec similar to him and wield a 2h you won't go back lol. http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/?#charac...h&n=Jordhos There you go man. For the record I only PvP and do Arena's with the guys now. Totally sick of the game. I just treat it as 'msn but killing stuff with your mates' lol
  14. Yep he's my Paladin :P First time I used that sword in bg I stunned a half dead Troll on his mount and hacked him to death o.O Luckily everything proc'd when it was supposed to lol. Make sure you get your riding crop as well, Trinket = 10% extra speed :D (I'm a lucky mofo and get the Crusader Aura 20% extra for nothing [120% speed]). Get a big 2h, get your crit chance, your strength and agility up and watch the slow hits stack with damage :D
  15. Barely... Went to bed 3am last night... soo tired, thankfully im doing the late shift, got up at 9am so 6 hours sleep... Im level 63 now Rob!!! Hurry up and level! Bahaha...Alluria is taking a little break while Coro rediscovers himself. Grabbed a Grand Marshal Slicer and whacked a crapload of spellpower on it. When reckoning pops with Seal of Righteousness I do around 1000 damage per swing muahahahaha lol.
  16. I'm not paying that amount of money for something that looks like a physically challenged hamster. I just can't do it.
  17. Dat is fast o.O micky_tee's ultimate car. Toyota with the heart of a Mazda lol
  18. http://www.fmqb.com/Article.asp?id=16770 30 Second clip of Tarantula. They are back indeed.
  19. Yeah man. I've controlled it from day one. If I'm not out on the weekends I'll do a 6k bike ride, some curls, side extensions and then pop on WoW for a bit. Alllll good. Phil is in the same boat.
  20. Pancakes...Pancakes...Pancakes? PANNNCAKKKEESSS!!!!!! No...no no no NO! NO PANCAKES!!!
  21. G-Spot rated more like... GIGGITY GIGGITY GIGGITY!!!
  22. Dead

    New Music

    Albums: Earthling - David Bowie Aenima - Tool (even though maynard annoys me this was a good album) Machina: The Machines of *** - The Smashing Pumpkins Absolution - Muse Mutter - Rammstein (who said you can't work out to heavy music? lol) Mellon Collie and the Infinate Sadness - The Smashing Pumpkins Album Anticipation: Zeitgeist - The Smashing Pumpkins Eat me, Drink me - Marilyn Manson Hmm...nothing else so far.
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