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Everything posted by Dead

  1. I'm high as a kite too. Cough syrup.
  2. That sounds about right. Mine runs a little under the half way mark when warmed up even. As soon as the thermostate pops you're right to open the motor up a bit more. Never rev the crap out of a cold motor lol. I never worry about a motor being too cold after it's been drivin for a while. I do worry about it being hot though lol.
  3. I was close to contracting phnemonia last week. I've been crook as a dog lol. I dunno what's going on.
  4. AHHHHAHAHAHAHA!!! I took it to 2 different dealers here and they just scratched their heads. I was the one that ended up saying 'replace my brake pads and surface grind the rotors'. Even then that didn't fix it completely. Changing the wheels did though? I still find that totally weird. That you sam? lol
  5. Oddly enough now that I have the P1's on my car the grinding is gone. It doesn't do it anymore :o Could it be the stock wheels in my case lightly brushing the stockers? Or is it the fact that the 6 spoke design lets the brakes breath a bit more? ooOOOooOOoooOOooOo
  6. The 'don't laugh' one and the 'rocket propelled massage chair' are just classic haha. I love their sense of humour.
  7. Shadow is probably the super model of the bunch atm lol. Bill's is the 'Arnold Schwarzenegger' one. "Halloooo I am big unt bold but I vill crush you like a piece of linnnnnnnnt."
  8. Now apply that theory to women Dylan lol
  9. I'm saving my pennies for the Smashing Pumpkins if they come to Australia ;) Each to their own I guess. I don't think it's the same line up though? No slash?
  10. I just go down to pendos and pick up woolies / mini mart checkout chicks now. Dodgy ftw lol
  11. Dammit I only just saw this :( Well... \m/ anyway dude lol
  12. Oh well at least it's breathable. Not like Uranus BAAHAHAHA. Sorry...I'll go now :(
  13. That is interesting dude. I guess they were under the assumption that the first place to look is the farthest away lol. Man this is exciting for me. I'm such a nerd sometimes haha.
  14. ice and water must = a breathable atmosphere or am I wrong? Awesome find dude. I'm always into this sort of stuff. I think we're ignorant if we think we are the only sentient life in the universe lol. Just thinking of the universe and it's uncalcuable boundry makes my head explode sometimes.
  15. *20* "......uh.....ten....uh...'TENTEN'" lmfao
  16. What's insurance like tom? Nice
  17. it's actually a remoulded Celica Veilside style front... and it looks like **** IMHO... 1st time I saw it years ago I thought it stood out, but now having seen it in a few colours on a number of cars, I don't like it at all. Adrian from J-Racing in Canberra designed this bar from scratch to my knowledge. It was completed to the requirements of the owner. From this J-Racing still have the mold and make this front bar for the rolla still. I wouldn't get it though no lol.
  18. Yep I've seen her around too. I don't think she get's into the car scene too much. I was looking at her car and she wasn't really getting the vibe (sitting next to mine at a set of lights).
  19. if you would like to use my letter as a template and send one as well... 1 Saunders St Pyrmont, NSW 2009 GPO BOX 10, Sydney, NSW 2001 Ph: 02 9650 1010 Fax: 02 9650 1111 i really wanted to get in to the house just so i would not have to watch the ****. i think the problem why i don't like it is its like the NRL i hate foot ball and don't watch it BUT you still hear about it eg on the news and people asking did you see the x vs x game fuc/< off if you do like the show and want to discuss it here you go.... http://www.allforwomen.com.au/forums/ I agree with most here and turn the TV off or change channels or even get foxtel so you never have to watch free to air again(Almost hey JC:)) Dude I prolly wouldn't use your template as your spelling and grammar are definately not good. I'd be embarrassed if I sent that to channel 10... Polished: To whom it may concern, I am writing to you with great distress, as your broadcast 'Big Brother' has forced regular visits to my GP, with the prospect of facing major surgery. The frontal lobes of my cerebral cortex have diminished somewhat since the recent airing of your show, and quite frankly a 'dumbing down' has commenced. My GP informed me that the basal ganglia is going into mass recession, which can result in severe brain damage and reduced physical movement. I do hope that this show can be pulled completely, as I do not want to be s***ting my pants and developing speech patterns to that of Mike Tyson in my later years. Regards Is that better Bren? hahahaha Yeah...change the channel ftw. Just block your ears and cover your eyes as well.
  20. I mean hey, I wish Gretel would die but you can't have everything. Just turn the tv over dude. Or play music or the PC like I do.
  21. You can still have a life and play WoW. Just don't do 'raiding'.
  22. And even if you do you still have time to cut the engine off before the water will make its way through the plennum and into you engine... I have already proved this Stupid torque oversteer
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