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    Corolla Sportivo

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  1. haha state of origin...was waiting for that... we can still make a come back.... i hope lol
  2. Oh well discussion closed 3 fastest have CES....discussion closed and by the way fastest 2zz is in NSW no denying it...but the may be some secrets about to be unleashed...i will keep quiet for now but all i can say is enjoy the top while it is there but it may not last...... HAHA and no it isn't a turbo One thing i do need to make clear is that i not takin sides here i just think it is irresponsible of people to make claims about something with nothing to justify it... no battle intended... the fact that nsw is on top atm is fair enough..thats proven.. so to close out this discussion i agree with xoom there are too many variables involved to make fair judgements and it is just opinions, if CES components aren't for you fair enough... but it is not a good idea put them down seeing as Trev & Leslie do heaps for TOC.. not to mention it is their business... not for you> fair enough just dont bag it out when there is no back up for it
  3. haha thats true.... nah saying goodbye to that next week new tailgate coming in.. the old girl going to smash repairers... but she is gaining a bomex bodykit...btw as soon as it is done there shall be pics
  4. I am not trying to start a sh*t storm... just saying that unless u have dyno'd the same car with stock exhaust fitted and then the same car with ces fitted on the same dyno in same conditions you cant make claims...we however have done that and proven a gain
  5. Hey guys i dont post very often but have been a member since early 04 and have been sitting back watching and reading and i just have to have my say on CES parts. I currently have the stainless catback fitted to my car and it was the best decision i ever made... i dyno'd the car before and then after and there is an undenyable gain... STOCK AINT BETTER... so if your a particularly opinionated person not to name names... then stop talking sh*t about it we have all seen the gains to made from CES components. So if you think stock is better well good luck to you... but i assure you that you are severly wrong. I am so sick n tired the arguments... this is meant to be a forum for us to share info n generally talk about our cars.. helping each other... it isn't a contest on who can talk more **** about other states parts... so just drop it, CES is quality gear with proven gains. SO how about we just let it go and you just hack it... p.s. It aint a good idea to pay out somebody for having a silver car when you own one yourself haha
  6. Good luck to all nominated, may the best stooge win. Btw i am in fact still alive after my 2 years of in-activity. WHOOSAH! :D
  7. Hey guys and gals since we talking about stock colours in other topic If you could do a respray of the stivo in ANY colour and money wasn't an issue, What colour would u get..... Personally i would be going H.O.K. pagan gold kandy, what u guys reckon?
  8. Well, my baby is in the shop right now for clutch, i started the noises, and then the car was just not responding, revving like a biatch and not going n e where, turned out the clutch was completely worn and the flywheel was scorched to buggery, trd **** now though, so all good, my advice would be address problem early, just is case it decides to go the way of my car!:)
  9. agreed...very good day, and great turn out as well..... gave the meetings down south a run for their money didn't we......cant wait to see pics guys......... cheers
  10. 12th or 13th is good i dont mind, just very keen to go, be good to see a decent turnout i have going solo in my stivo surrounded by mates in magnas but will be good to go for a cruise with my own kind, lol
  11. Hey, i just joined, i am also from brisbane, glad to be part of the sportivo owners contingent......
  12. Count me in fellas, i am soo there, quite keen..........
  13. Big news.....i am looking to get a custom wide body kit for my 'rolla stivo at end of year, if any one else has done stuff in terms of kits, let us know and show pics, i am looking for inspiration, lol, catch yas Kyle B)
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