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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. Oh yeah here's another 1. People that take off from the lights like Miss Daisy
  2. Fast 5. WOW

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MrRob


      I won't say too much just in case people haven't seen it but what a freaky ending, can't wait for FF6

    3. juvenile


      loved the ending too

    4. Tash


      Very freaky ending, will be interesting to see how they pull that off in FF6!

  3. When people park their cars and they leave the steering on full lock
  4. Just a little upgrade. DBA 4000 street series with Bendix heavy duty pads.
  5. is going VIP style.

    1. juvenile


      yeah yeah, can't wait for this :-))

  6. Yeah thats their supplier for all the cars they bag
  7. Undoubtably the best Camry around. All we need now is a full shot of the car
  8. Hmm well because the kit is from Japan they must have made it for the 4 cylinder. Maybe.
  9. Nice colour and car of course. Where do I start -hids and led parkers -wheels -coilovers (i have a set for sale) -exhaust So pretty much what everyone else said
  10. Beautiful car mate. I've always loved the F6.
  11. Wad does this mean? Custom? Not gonna use the existing air suspension? I think it means the existing bags for the front were suitable for the camry as they aren't as front heavy compared to the Aurion so they are using bigger bags to handle the extra weight
  12. Are they going to charge you extra for that? Na no extra charges
  13. So Concord Customs has told me that my front airbags had to be custom made to make them handle the extra weight of the Aurion so its gonna be after Easter when they get installed
  14. MrRob

    Peter's Aurion

    Nice ride. I'll be selling my 10 month old Pedders coilovers soon if you're interested.
  15. Vick is such a bad influence hahaha. Cant wait to see the progress on the airbags ZR6XY. I know vick will be watching closely Haha he's alright. I've wanted that grill he's got for ages but just couldn't find it so he's a good person to get info from.
  16. Thanks ALEXH hopefully they'll be In before Easter. 14.77 was stock when that photo was taken. As for mods only a catback exhaust with varex mufflers.
  17. I'm sure you can all relate to this. 2 cars driving side by side on the motorway doing 20kmh below the speed limit
  18. Hmm I thought it was fine to drive with them inflated as that is the purpose to have them inflated while driving and deflated when not. Anyways the a few of the guys at Concord Customs are running the same kit in their cars so i'll ask them how they have it set up.
  19. No more unless I see something that I want hahaha
  20. If spending $4750 on airbags wasn't enough, i just ordered a VIP style grill from RSTYLE RACING (thanks for the website VF-X) and a K&N CAI from the USA.
  21. Thats what i'm getting.
  22. Thanks mate hopefully 1st in OZ but there are heaps in Indonesia that are bagged only they are renamed over there. I'm too fussed about handling either but i hear that airbags are actually pretty good handling wise.
  23. Paid my $3650 deposit for the airbag suspension today. Now just gotta wait for them to be shipped over approx 1 week. Price after installation is $4750 but unfortunately does not include egineers certificate. That will cost about $900 to get my wheels and bags certified.
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