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Brad - SX6

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Status Replies posted by Brad - SX6

  1. Toyota screwing with me again!!! no GTS till 18 months now!! wtf?! should've went the GT :(

    1. Brad - SX6

      Brad - SX6

      Hopefully they ramp up production at the end of the year (possibility!!) What did you order? Color? Aero?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. i am new here, is it possible to convert Tarago 2006-2012 to LPG.

    1. Brad - SX6

      Brad - SX6

      Has to be, all of the Taxi Tarago's are LPG :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. why oh why do people drive stupid in the rain?

    1. Brad - SX6

      Brad - SX6

      Used to public transport, it rains, forced to drive, hurrrrrrrr. I hate these people, it's terrible here in Canberra!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Seriously, wtf is it with people from the UK emailing me about my car?! no I won't take PayPal or Credit Card... No I won't organise shipping... GTFO!!

    1. Brad - SX6

      Brad - SX6

      Hey if you send me $500 I can organise all the shipping and tax forms here. Then I'll add $1000 to the car price for you!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Anyone around Brisbane, 4127 area willing to pick up a lens for me. Will pay in hugs and kisses

    1. Brad - SX6

      Brad - SX6

      Son of a.... Nice lens, been looking for my first L lens, looks like it'll be the macro 100mm since I already have the 18-200.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Anyone around Brisbane, 4127 area willing to pick up a lens for me. Will pay in hugs and kisses

  7. Seriously, wtf is it with people from the UK emailing me about my car?! no I won't take PayPal or Credit Card... No I won't organise shipping... GTFO!!

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