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Posts posted by Seby123

  1. Hi and congrats on your first car!

    My first car was the same as yours :lol:

    For the question what colour range....it really depends on what you want. Factory HIDs that you get on for example the top range corollas are 5000K, which is pretty much just white, while 6000k is diamond white. So it has a slightly blueish tint. The further you go up the scale the more blue the lights get. So i'd recommend 6000k.

    Easiest tip i'd have is dont fall for those 30AUD kits you get from ebay...i paid 80$ for mine and apart from a slight flicker they work fine...there are some stories of people using 30AUD kits without problems but i wouldnt recommend it. I'd be looking at kits for 60-100AUD.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. Hi,

    simple answer....there is one nozel and the car automatically switches to reserve. So if the warning light comes on, you can drive quite a bit more i think. I wont be responsible for you standing on the side of the road though! :ph34r:

    My dad has the 2010 Prado, and all up it swallows about 150L, highest fuel bill he had was 200$. So yea have fun :lol:

    But in the end it would be the same with a small car. Small car you'd fuel up 3 or 4 times and in the end pay just as much, while with the Prado you just fuel up once.

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