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Posts posted by 69.NIX

  1. mothers-logo.jpg

    Hey fellow TOCAU's

    I'm pleased to announce that we are in the process of organising a Mothers Detailing Day in conjunction with Mothers & Go 2 Space (Forum Promoter)

    I know there are some keen peeps out there that like there car nice and clean, inside and out and I have been assured that we will learn a heap and have a great time! In order for this to go ahead, we do need numbers.

    Here are some of the details:

    Location: Mothers Offices in Castle Hill (exact address will be supplied once we have the numbers)

    Amount of Peeps: Minimum 12 people with a Max 20 people<br>Costs: $35 per head worth of product purchases on the day or $20 per head no purchase

    They will use our cars to demonstrate on. Everything from washing to final detail.

    There is also a BBQ planned for the day, but that detail is not final just yet.I highly recommend rocking up. If there are over 20 People that are interested, I'm sure we can try and organise a 2nd round if we are all keen!

    I have passed this forum link to G2S so they can see our progress and provide any additional information you guys might have regarding this event

    Please keep this thread on topic too :)




    We are good for the 27th of November from 10am to 2pm bring your car and camera. BBQ Supplied!

    Bring your cameras and some loaded wallets :)

    There should be no reason why we can't get at least 12 people for this with this much notice. Keep adding to the list and we will see you there :)

    I'll start the list:

    BG Pete - $35

    M&M - $35

    stock - $35

    sikwitit - $35

    m.c - $35

    juvenile - $35

  2. Hey,

    I'm doing a custom boot install in my zre corolla. (progress can be found in my signature below)

    Fibreglass is great if you like mess and the smell for a few weeks / months. I prefer mdf. Yes it's heavy, but I not going for a performance car, more cruiser :)

    As suggested, a optima yellow top would be a sound investment as well a good capacitor. 1 or 2 fared would be ok

    FYI, I'm near parramatta, so if you need a hand or want tips, just drop us a line.

  3. Hey Guys,

    Just wondering if anyone has spoken with CES Racing in Brisvegas about some "go fast bits" for a ZRE rolla.

    I have been reading how the ZZE team here on the forum have been pleased with there work and was wondering if there is anything available for ZRE's (exhaust & CAI's) .

    If anyone has any information, please drop it in here and I'll investigate.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hey Guys and Gals,

    It has been a while since we had a cruise somewhere :)

    I know we have been to the southern highlands heaps, but we also go down via the freeway. This time, we shall take the back roads!

    Here is a map of our route :)



    Start location: Caltex M4 Westbound at Eastern Creek

    Departure Time: 9:30am Sharp on 26th September

    Items Required: Car with full tank of petrol, CB's set to CH35 & fully charged, Monies for lunch, Camera for photos

    This event is open to all TOCAU members

    If there are any questions, please let me know

    Attendance List

    1. Big Pete

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