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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. 1. BG Pete 2. M_M 3. GTL05T 4. MR22ZZ (maybe) 5. sikwitit 6. azzman372 7. ¥URO (maybe) 8. Rubix (maybe) 9. Rolla Boy (maybe) 10. cuppas 11. addy287 12. Hidden Taco x3 13. Tats 14. MsLevin 15. JVN11L 16. Cappuccino 17. Brad-dreama 18. FI76RE - the meet is still to come man! 19. master.Cuong x2 20. thunderbox 21. Mecha-wombat 22. si ijo 23. Limz_Rolla 24. cruzer (maybe) 25. flipsta24 26. Whitey1212 27. JE-55-EA 28. Khan 1 29. SHIRE.ZRE 30. Wulfkind 31. broflamo
  2. updated shopping list 1. BG Pete 2. M_M 3. GTL05T 4. MR22ZZ (maybe) 5. sikwitit 6. azzman372 7. ¥URO (maybe) 8. Rubix (maybe) 9. Rolla Boy (maybe) 10. cuppas 11. addy287 12. Hidden Taco x3 13. Tats 14. MsLevin 15. JVN11L 16. Cappuccino 17. Brad-dreama 18. FI76RE - the meet is still to come man! 19. master.Cuong x2 20. thunderbox 21. Mecha-wombat 22. si ijo 23. Limz_Rolla 24. cruzer (maybe) 25. flipsta24 26. Whitey1212 27. JE-55-EA 28. Khan 1 29. SHIRE.ZRE 30. Wulfkind 31. broflamo
  3. 1. BG Pete 2. M_M 3. GTL05T 4. MR22ZZ (maybe) 5. sikwitit 6. azzman372 7. ¥URO (maybe) 8. Rubix (maybe) 9. Rolla Boy (maybe) 10. cuppas 11. addy287 12. Hidden Taco x3 13. Tats 14. MsLevin 15. JVN11L - no word yet, but i'll make sure it happens tongue.gif 16. Cappuccino 17. Brad-dreama 18. FI76RE - the meet is still to come man smile.gif 19. master.Cuong x2 20. thunderbox 21. Mecha-wombat 22. si ijo 23. Limz_Rolla 24. cruzer (maybe) 25. flipsta24 26. Whitey1212 27. JE-55-EA 28. Khan 1 29. SHIRE.ZRE 30. Wulfkind SHIRE.ZRE: the M&M clan ( 2 adults + 4 kids) show up all the time to cruises, so sure bring the kids. In regards to rules and the like, Of course normal road rules apply, showing off and hooooning around will NOT be tolerated. We say: go with the flow, don't be no hero! As I've mentioned before, the Sydney TOCAU group have yet to have a major strike against us for poor road behavior, I dont want this cruise....or any other cruise for that matter to be the first. Bring the kids, a CB, full tank of gas, some $$$ for lunch, camera and a positive attitude :yahoo: :yahoo:
  4. updated shopping list : 1. BG Pete 2. M_M 3. GTL05T 4. MR22ZZ (maybe) 5. sikwitit 6. azzman372 7. ¥URO (maybe) 8. Rubix (maybe) 9. Rolla Boy (maybe) 10. cuppas 11. addy287 12. Hidden Taco x3 13. Tats 14. MsLevin 15. JVN11L - no word yet, but i'll make sure it happens :P 16. Cappuccino 17. Brad-dreama 18. FI76RE - the meet is still to come man :) 19. master.Cuong x2 20. thunderbox 21. Mecha-wombat 22. si ijo 23. Limz_Rolla 24. cruzer (maybe) 25. flipsta24 26. Whitey1212 27. JE-55-EA 28. Khan 1 29. SHIRE.ZRE
  5. any Toyota's are welcome :D BTW, I'm looking for someone who wants to ride up front of the pack. PM if your interested. You will be required to set the pace of the cruise and put up with me in the car. maybe even let me drive for a bit :o
  6. looks more like magic eye puzzle. if you look hard enough, you can see a camel having a drink :P
  7. DON'T DO IT MAN!....or are you just getting the car ready to the royal nasho run at the end of the month :o
  8. I understand the concern that some may have, but let my explain: the evo is a former TOCAU member now gone to the dark side. he joined us on the wisemans cruise and the cappuccino is a TOCAU member who has a ZZE as his daily. The only reason (to my knowledge) that he might bring the cappa is that he is going OS for 5 weeks and wants to give it a run befoer he goes. If you want to invite others, i have no problems, just let one of the mods / organisers know. This goes for all Sydney TOCAU events, not just this one :)
  9. really.....last time I checked this was a Toyota cruise? I dont remember (correct me if i'm wrong) that we as a TOCAU group tagged along to a non-Toyota cruise, unless we go invited by the organisers. To my knowledge, I haven't invited any other toyota or non toyota groups. There maybe an evo and cappuccino showing up, but that was by my invite only. I suggest who invited them to tell them nicely (because the use of hammers and nail guns only makes things dirty) and kindly to go there own way and forget about tagging along with us. There is a very good reason why we keep it TOCAU / toyota drivers only. To date, we as a TOCAU group in Sydney haven't had ANY problem with the law, so there is no need to start now. The TOCAU club has a good name to it, I don't want to see that get F***ED by some try hards who want to show off. I'm not one to stop people having a good time, I just want to make that we don't ***** other people off in the process. I think that is a fair request. Anyone who has a problem with this should consider there options before they show up :)
  10. welcome to TOCAU enjoy your time here. we dont bite.....hard :P
  11. http://www.bom.gov.au/weather/nsw/ - I suggest you stay glued to that site :) http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDN65156.shtml - um yeah http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR033.loop.shtml#skip - Sydney radar :) ....and yes i'm the unofficial weather man at work :P
  12. welcome to TOCAU hope you enjoy your stay here :)
  13. no etag required, unless you wanna scoot home via a motorway
  14. Hi Pete, don't know how this clay thing works but if you could do my car, i'll make sure you don't need to eat nor drink anything but beer and pizza for a whole day :P . Kenny so far this Saturday afternoon is free, so if your serious and have some spare mooooolah, we can do something. PM me for detials
  15. Welcome to TOCAU :) make sure you check out the upcoming events and meets section of the forum. I know the WA do a pretty good job of organising stuff enjoy TOCAU :)
  16. Hey peeps, I have a mate (yes I know) that has a an SW20 with white paint specks on the leather centre arm rest. he has commissioned me to clean it, but I got no idea I have heard that you can use ISO or nail polish remover then do a leather treatment straight afterwords? My main concern is not tot ruin the otherwise good nick leather work. Suggestions are all welcome :)
  17. welcome to TOCAU make sure you can make some time at the end of the month meet / cruise to the blow hole via the royal nasio enjoy your time here :)
  18. Welcome to TOCAU make sure you can make it to the end of cruise / meet to the royal natio and the blowhole. It's the last week of Saturday Sept 26th. All details are available in the upcoming cruises / meets section of the forum once again, welcome :)
  19. Welcome to TOCAU Dont forget to have a look in the upcoming cruises / meets threads, there is royal natio cruise on the last weekend on sept which, from what I can tell, is gonna have a bumper turn out! Enjoy your time here :)
  20. If your car isn't ready, put the word out, maybe someone ca give you a lift and then you can ride with someone else.
  21. welcome mate :) hope to see you at the end of September royal natio run to the gong and blow hole :)
  22. where are these nasty rumors coming from?........links or it didn't happen :P
  23. nice where do you work you may have just scored a new customer :)
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