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Posts posted by 69.NIX

  1. This all comes down to your desired result.

    You can get subs and amps within that budget, but how about cabin speakers? are you running stock or looking at after market?

    Sorry to say, but with any major mod (stereo, xorst, etc) it isn't just one thing that needs to be looked at.

    I can only suggest looking at a whole package, otherwise you might not be happy with the outcome.

    /2 cents

  2. Hey Man,

    If you want the easy road, try this : http://www.carcareproducts.com.au/product/wolfs_chemicals/brake_duster_wheel_cleaner : It is safe for paint if the car is cold and you wash it off within 10 mins of application. It works a treat on rims and is safe for most rims (test on a small spot if unsure)

    With waxing the car.....there are just toooooooo many choices. If you want to add some shine after a good wash, then most megs / auto glym stuff will do the job. If you want to go hardcore (ask Andrew357, Tash or Myself) you can go past Dodo Juice.

    Just keep in mind, you can go crazy with this stuff, so be careful.

    It all comes down to the result you desire :)

    I also suggest : : this is a first hand look at what the TOCAU crew think of products out there in the market.

    Hope this helps :)

  3. one would think its not going to be easy.

    firstly, the back panel to the levin controls just has one electrical plug, the other models have more cables.

    secondly, the "auto" function will not work as it uses temp senors around the car to get the car to the desired temp. these would have to be installed in the other models.

    Last, the change in the circulation mode (face, face&feet, etc) in the levin are motorised back to the controller unit............yeah no idea how that would interface on other models.

    Personally, I wouldn't bother, but if you do go ahead, put up a step by step guide :)

  4. yes very true, the longest i have ever had wax made my car bead before was like 2 weeks.... and that was with meguiars (the best stuff out) but permanon is perfect for long lasting paint protection.

    WOW, how did I miss that. as veteran cleaning guru's, drew and I both know its not "THE BEST STUFF OUT". Yes, it is quite good......for the price, but dodo juice products open there cans, point and laugh at megs products.

    As drew said, if you think this product is awesome after using megs.....i'm not surprised.

    In fact, I challenge you apply 2 layers of dodo juice soft wax to your car and then tell me its doesn't bring out the speckle or "POP" in your paintwork.

    My door is open, will you walk thru it? ;)

  5. Private number,

    I'm going to go out on a lim here and suggest that a what your looking at is very similar to my Britz Throttle Controller. It piggy backs off the electronic throttle cable and have different presents to determine how much "wooooosh" you want.

    If that is the case, GET IT. YOU'LL LOVE IT :), just ask Mr X (kenshin)....he took my rolla for a spin with it set to "Awesome" and he felt the difference :D

    PS: simplyvandinh, I think a.Rice has the one you linked to in his auto rolla

  6. Which decals are you after?

    Just a web address or ones with the club name & web address?

    Drop me a PM if you want the just the web address :)

    If you want to see them before you buy, come the the EOMM 28th April ::: - should give you an idea on times and location

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