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Posts posted by 69.NIX

  1. not much today, but tomorrow will be an epic clean. Exterior and Interior, not holding back on the product placement either

    Autobrite Snow Foam +

    Dodo Juice - Born to be mild Shampoo

    Dodo Juice - Clay and Spray lubricate

    Menzerna - FG500 + FG3000 Polish

    Dodo Juice - Purple Haze Soft wax

    Duragloss - Tyre and Rim cleaner

    AutoGylm - Car Glass Polish

    Duragloss - Plastic Lens and Trim Polish

    303 Aerospace Dash Protecter

    Mint APC

    Various MF clothes of different grades

    Elbow Grease

    Too much time on my hands

    2-3 ltrs of drinking water

    Might post some pics up once i'm done :)


  2. You really should do it all at once. However, I have done work like this:

    Day 1)



    Day 2)




    If the panel hasn't got stonechips or down to the white; you can do correction but it's not worth it on a damaged one as they'll respray the entire thing anyway.

    In addition, it would help if you leave it parked locked up in a garage over night.......just so you dont have to go over it again in the morning looking for "New Spots".

  3. not much today, but tomorrow will be an epic clean. Exterior and Interior, not holding back on the product placement either

    Autobrite Snow Foam +

    Dodo Juice - Born to be mild Shampoo

    Dodo Juice - Clay and Spray lubricate

    Menzerna - FG500 + FG3000 Polish

    Dodo Juice - Purple Haze Soft wax

    Duragloss - Tyre and Rim cleaner

    AutoGylm - Car Glass Polish

    Duragloss - Plastic Lens and Trim Polish

    303 Aerospace Dash Protecter

    Mint APC

    Various MF clothes of different grades

    Elbow Grease

    Too much time on my hands

    2-3 ltrs of drinking water

    Might post some pics up once i'm done :)

    • Like 1
  4. people that use internet speak in real life


    Oh ZOMG, did you see that phat rolla with pink rims, it 'TWAS quite the LOLZ

    WTF bro, that s**t isn't cool

    OMG, you are such a NOOB


    People that buy $80k euro box and then buy a poxy $300 GPS for the window. STOP BEING TIGHT AR$ES! Get it in-dash GPS. It not a status symbol to have such a car and act like a tight ar$e, it just makes you a ******.

  5. great idea, not my preference on colour, but hey.....each to there own.

    one question, how are the tubes / lights protected from stuff you might put in the map pockets? All that great work only to get broken by someone with no clue they are there, that would make me upset to say the least.

    /my 2 cents

  6. Dodo_Juice_Supernatural_Finger_Mitt_z.jpg

    DODO Juice - Supernatural Finger Mitts

    Nicknamed "the shocker" or "a female hygiene product", these handy little foam applicators make light work of applying paste or liquid based waxes. They are super soft and easy to clean. They will extended your waxing time by quite a bit, but who cares if the results are a smooth even distribution of awesome wax!

    This product is designed for people who love to mother there cars to bits.......and have time on there hands to spare :)

    • Like 1
  7. Christmas.

    you haven't turned green and started stealing Christmas presents have you?

    In addition to this, people who use prams like a battering ram in over-crowded shopping centres and then have the nerve to look at you like you just sacrificed a small goat in-front of them.

    • Like 1
  8. This happened to me once. Since then i check every couple of weeks and top up when necessary. Owners maual says its normal for the engine to use up to 1 litre of oil per 1 thousand kms. Toyo confirmed it aswell.

    Please provide the page number this is on.

    If everything is as you say they are, take it to Toyota asap. I've never come across this problem before but i'd be interested to see what Toyota say. Might ask on my 90k service.

    I dont know why people think taking to Toyota is such a bad thing, I've had nothing but great driving times and my '09 rolla has always been serviced at Toyota. Maybe bad experiences?

    In regards to my car chewing oil, never happened. Even my 12yr Gen 3 didn't eat to much....and that was an old mole of a car.

  9. Good meet guys even though I was only there for half an hour.

    Sydney meets are just getting bigger and bigger.

    What are your thoughts on a BBQ cruise to start the new year John and Pete?

    Well if the weather was anything to go by....a cruise should be on the cards.

    The whole "who / what / where / how / why" should be left alone for a during xmas tiem, let everyone "do there thing" after xmas > new year we should have a better idea.

    I like the BBQ / Cruise idea. main concern is find a spot that isn't overtaken by peeps at 9am......so it will be a Saturday thing again. Location will be discussed and i'm open to ideas. Killcare beach was good (yes that was my virgin cruise too), but we need to make sure there is heaps of room that we can kinda lock off for out our.

    To be fair, I'll put it out to the fellow NSW peeps. I'll consider all reasonable ideas / suggestions then finalise it by the 1st week on Jan. Once we have a decider, i'll create a new tread just for that event.


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