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Posts posted by 4ABHGE

  1. Do a little bit of research and find out what other people do when starting out with a car. Read on other peoples ride threads, and get to know the car and its characteristics with certain mods.

    Before you do anything to your car, make sure you know what you will be using it for, how much money you want to spend, if its legal and of course what are the benefits of certain mods.


  2. MRP Coilovers.... AWWWW YEAHHHH!!

    I can vouch for just how good they are. Got a 1:49 at winton with them in and Kumho KU36's.. car was pretty much untouched everywhere else...

    Im a bit jelly of how yours look nicer than mine though :( haha

    I think ive seen your car around when it had the black bonnet a while ago, looks good :)

  3. Turns out i am going to be flat out busy this week, which means i can't check up on the car :( So i assigned my dad to do that for me as its a little more convenient for him ^_^

    In other news... I'm going to start applying a little bit of elbow grease to my daily wheels next week :yahoo: don't think ive showed them to you guys before, so ill keep them as a surprise ;)

  4. I know how you feel... I drive an AE82 Corolla and with the stock seat my knees were hitting the steering wheel and my head was touching the roof. im 6'5' lol

    My solution was to get aftermarket seats and get rails that sit as low as possible. I havent had a problem with the police and ive been through a number of booze buses, neither have i had problems through scrutineering at the race track.

    AFAIK, modifying the standard rails and mounting points requires an engineers cert

    Surely you can buy some low rails and get a decent and comfy aftermarket ADR approved seat which should be legal. Ask your RTA/Vicroads for the laws if you are unsure.

  5. I want one so bad, sadly it will have to wait until i have money lol

    Oh and incase you guys havent seen it, heres Subaru's take on the car.... Got a few ideas from seeing both cars now :)




  6. Not cool... if you pay for timing you should be timed. But I guess its not too bad... usually the first session is just to get used to the track again before you start pushing the car.

    Nice save!! lucky you caught that as it couldve turned ugly...

    LOL i was just waiting for you to rip that arm rest thing off when you were raging it :P

    Also, that pic isnt working

  7. Why you lost control in the S in the last session? That S corner is really ****ty, no idea why they put the hut there...

    I love that corner, but why they put that hut there makes no sense to me either... IMO it isnt even a great photo spot

    The AE92 undoubtedly was a very good car, it just lacked power.

    I just think your AE92 weighed a bit too much :ninja:

    Once again, good job on the time you got Trung!

  8. nice car, but if you wanted a sports car, why would you buy a supra/land-barge?


    Agreed. They weigh 1600 kilos and dont handle very well at all, especially when compared to say.... i dunno, a Corolla? :lol:

    Nice car man it looks quite neat. I really like the look of these Supras, and i love the interior...

  9. Having driven on every possible surface out there.. even sand and snow in a variety of vehicles with and without ABS, my advice for braking on only one surface at a time is throw your ABS in the bin. Driving on multiple surfaces at once and slamming on the brakes is a different story, and will just cause your car to spin, this and the fact that many drivers cannot find the threshold of grip when the brakes are applied is the reason why it is placed on modern cars.

    With that said, on tarmac with just street driving i recommend it.

    Love your approach on applying all your track knowledge to regular street driving mate, keep it up Ben! :)

  10. haha im not your average 20 year old - Im good with my money, investing and saving :)

    So basically you're an average 20 year old... but the difference is that you have a brain? lol

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