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Everything posted by akuma

  1. why not go listen to them on the test board and see what you like better? you'd only want to worry about the brand if your spending about $6,000 + but $2,000 should get you a decent system. Have you tried JB yet? <-- because the more you buy, the more you save! Where abouts in Melbourne are you located? Maybe we could meet up and i give you a hand?
  2. pwaorrrrrr, i think my dad wants me to trade my camry for the trd aurion.... the only thing is i wont be here to drive it as much.
  3. x2 and apparently their going to make aftermarket trd bodykits tooo for the camry and aurions. but doubt it.
  4. if you know how to remove your bulbs, im sure your pretty safe.
  5. ooo, if you got the money i would. but why upgrade the unit, doesnt your stock unit come 6stacker mp3?
  6. yep, retail was about $3,500~ but now i think you can bargain it down too $2,900~ depends how good you are!.. If your expecting to pay $500 dont bother with a HDD unless your going carputer styles but you gotta go into full detail with that. You get what you pay, and i can assure you that ebay non branded headunits are very :/, cousin bought a $500 dvd player and it buggered up a few weeks later.
  7. ^ i think the diy is like with every car, maybe look up for a corolla diy, their seem to be a few around there.
  8. lol, kinda well she does pay for everything so i aint complaining. flights to qld is cheap cheap atm, we're thinking about flying up there in 2months when we a-ok with money!
  9. phillips hid kit :) about $450-550. bang for buck! pay for what you get.
  10. sounds intresting, is this only a 1day event? how much is it going to cost all up? maybe someone thats over 21years old can rent a bus and we all chip in for that? my mate is planning to organise going to the snows, maybe this should help him..
  11. dont think i can go, she cant take 3days off work, and i cant leave her for 3days, she gets REALLY cranky... :/ sorry guys.. :(
  12. tinting the fronts? :/ i wouldnt recommend it, you wont beable to see as sharp at night, and i dont think it'll be road worthy. even if you intend to throw in hids it wont be as bright. i tinted my rears and when i reverse in the dark i cant see as bright.
  13. i did have one.. pioneer avid hd3 - 30gbs, 20gbs for mapping (aus wide) and 10gigs for storage. best unit i ever had! inbuild gps, the harddrive dvd screen touch screen omg couldnt go wrong!
  14. ill let yas know tonight.. should be fun, sold my dvd player too so the ride not as fun. who else is going to drive and what cars?
  15. is anyone still going? i think i might actually go to this, with my gf, for her bday pressie haha, but we might stop up at sydney.... im just concerend about the sydney drivers, we had so many close calls last time i went.
  16. haha thats crazy, thats goin put a mark, 2nd clip : did she purposly untangle her leg?
  17. lol thats good!.. what about signs on buildings?
  18. lol, i did xxx. ive recorded it as well, its somewhere on my harddrive. did it along the hume hwy comming from canberra back to melb. i also dyno'd my car, 88.8KW @ wheels.
  19. lol, i have alot of cars i cant fit into. even gfs, i cant make love too. im player player.
  20. hows it taking a lux bush bashing?... tell me you knock shopping trolleys around..
  21. very nice, looks hot! pimpn' car!
  22. dont ya mate got insurance?... thrid party?... fire and theft?
  23. oooo i might be intrested!! the only downside is i know my gf's bday is in june but forgot what date.. think 3rd i hope lol. i might be down! too soon to tell.
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