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Everything posted by akuma

  1. wow! thats like $100 per a car, calender better be free! 1. Mario 2. Mopp 3. BigBum 4. joeyee 5. astro_boy(TBC) 6. akuma 7. 8. fingers cross not on satday, gotta go 21st!!
  2. hey guys, tocau only or is it goin be with other crews?
  3. LOLL i just recently wow!! great game! first rpg game ever as well.
  4. 1. MarioX 2. Mopp 3. BigBum 4. akuma 5. 6. now mopp, its your turn to see my tailights :P
  5. yup, we where very well behaved :) thats toyota drivers for you. reliable and well behaved.
  6. what you get if what you pay for, so dont think ebay would be the best option.
  7. akuma

    Sound System

    wow, are you still finding out how to do your stero? its hard for the first time, i suppose you just gotta pull out the frames, theres no screws in them its just clips!
  8. how fast is fast? 0-100 in 10secs?
  9. 3 words... fkn hot moite! nicely done, shoulda chucked chromes. where abouts are you from? melb? ive seen a camry like that around for sale a few months ago.. i was looking at something like that! welcome to forums btw :P
  10. i went to my panel beater guy, and he said there are clips holding the side thingys, and removing it will leave holes, but ive got the new camry dont know about the older ones.
  11. i once had an old camry. 1989 model, we diy service too, pops never took it to mechanic cause it was a waste, and all he did was the usual service, change cams, change oil etc, but timing belt was a no. these machines last really long, whats there to be scared off, if you got insurance and your stuck in the middle of the road, get it towed to your mechanic and change it then. otherwise enjoy the camry :)
  12. nicely done mario, i dont blame you if you didnt get the whole crew in one photo, it was tooo big!! i coulda sworn that i only thought it was only our crew comming down, anyways, had heaps of fun! hopefully ill have my strut bar, then ill 'bring it on' mopp :P
  13. i had heapppps of fun!!! special thanks to m_luke for comming back and fetching us, mario for giving me his number and rest of the toc members rocking up. it was nice seeing all of the toc members, and mopp you crazy beeyatch!
  14. gsr and i are definately comming. my friend is as well, so theres 3 of us in one car. possibly a forth.
  15. cai... whats differences between intake and cold air intake. i thought it was the same..
  16. dont might, common guys, this is why we rarely have melb meets, its always less then 10 people. maybe when we start getting more people going on cruises that are organised then we can start having monthly meetings.
  17. LOL 2nd last one was aiit, wtf was the last one? was it a blac kid trying to be white?..
  18. nah not yet.. still looking, dont think i'll do a dyi job. your going to black spur this sunday yeh? maybe you could show me yours!!
  19. mariox got mid 15's in his stivo at heathcote.
  20. wow, my mate asked me about this cruise. he rides a r34, he heard this cruise from his mates too, and they dont ride toyotas... hopefully loads of people can come.. im 85% comming.
  21. not bad. one of the highest ive seen from the forums (that owns a tivo)
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