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Everything posted by Bangtown

  1. Thanx man, let me guess...........black?
  2. Ooooooooo an orange one. Me and the lad were talking bout them just this week. Welcome bud!
  3. wheels look good!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      hmmm that's what i too Looovee when the Wheels Look Gooood ;)

  4. need to do that intake too I guess
  5. fankx Jeff :) haha just realised I got the little miss bailed up in the pram......
  6. So I'm sick and just had enough of sitting around so thought I would do an offset test. Results.... What ya think????
  7. Working on another date as we speak guy kinda thought this would happen, but we will sort it out
  8. Thanks mate I'll let her know haha :)
  9. Righto guys. Luke has come up with our next cruise and I think it is a great ideas. Christmas Cruise To the Lights Of Lobathal. Now we would like to make this a family event, so please bring the misses, kids dog whatever. Also myself and Luke will be donating a gift for a Boy/Girl aged 4-12 for charity, this is not mandatory but being Christmas and all it is important to remember that there are many kids that are way less fortunate than ours and others Okay so the meeting place will be the Victoria Racecourse on Fullerton road as picture As you can see there is plenty of room to park mingle and take photos After a hello and how r u. We will start up towards Lobathal via Magill road. Route as follows Loving the full size piccys haha JImbo you tha man!! Any way. We will have a bit of a scout in the mean time and find a similar spot in Loby to stop and walk around the streets. No doubt me and the little one are gonna be all up in them hot Doughnuts haha. Being a Sunday night and knowing the kid lets will be tired, this will be a early one, might boog over to harndorf would mind getting some rolling shots down the mainy then home to your dwellings Sooooo all this is planned on the 8th of December. It's going to be really hard to work around anyone. So if you can please book it off or let us know. Would love to see more heads this one. Anyway a big thanks to Luke for taking the time to do this up. Drew
  10. Jim you rock!!!! Here ya go Teach a man to fish Thanks mate!
  11. Hey i am not happy at the Moment, as i would dearly Love to see the Pics, but for some strange reason is Saying i not have Permission for that.?? how can i tell you what i think when i can't see them for myself So Sad :( I'll PM them for Sonia , not sure y you can't see them. Maybe only if your a supporter, but I thought you were :)
  12. Now that sounds like fun :)Indeed it does. Just doing a little costing research to work out if I can justify it. I believe it was around a grand for the lexus wheel and airbag that steven used. Kinda hoping that a sportivo wheel might be a bit easier on the pocket. Just out of curiosity how responsive is the wheel, I mean if it's anything like the sports shift I doubt it would be worth it. If I had the cash I would go for gears on the floor :)
  13. I feel ya pain rich I too am trying to fix bargin wheel. Let me know how you go bud :)
  14. So unlucky with a bit of luck. You miss need to buy a lotto ticket ASAP. :P
  15. That's the most important thing! :) :) 12cm?! Geez yeah well........ Just out of curiosity how was the tyre?
  16. Wooooaaaa expensive brick!!!!! :(Just saw the updated damage. I reackon it's def fixable has someone already told you it wasn't? . Would try that first bud. I have seen way worse than that be fixed. Just looks like impact dent and crack. Man that is unlucky! :)
  17. Rich no joke mate we drove the car off the Lot and within 15 minute we were knee deep in wheels haha. Not closer yet, July new wheels but no I Spose I can justify the all the little thing that keep rocking up at the house haha :) :) Nice car tho?
  18. Too east bro it was nice meeting you guys and it looks like this next one there will be twice the cars.Great pics as well guys cars look great. Luke has got heaps more, I will ask him to start a past events thread with them. Thanks again guys Will be in touch
  19. Hard enough trying t get a set of those haha. Toyota can't help? Arm and a leg I know but you might have no choice. Or get or get it fixed. There are heaps of reputable rim fixers up there Good luck mate Nice ride too!!!!!
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