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Posts posted by theDefiant1

  1. Driving across to Narrogin (country WA) a couple of days ago, I encountered a strange one:

    Whilst cruising at 110kmhr, the tone of the engine changed very slightly, and I felt (I think) a bit of a twitch through the accelerator pedal. Noticing this, I tapped the accel pedal which would normally see the car jump from, say, 110 to 120 quite quickly, but instead the response was dismal. A very slow increase in speed, and the car seemed to labour to it. I pulled over, swtiched off, checked fluid etc, no overheating... nothing. Started up again, and the problem was gone. Hooray!

    A few hours later, same thing happened again - lost accel power. I came to the crest of a hill, put the car in neutral and coasted down. At the bottom, back into gear to accel out, and everything was fine again.

    Addt: I also checked the air filter

    So, any ideas?

    BTW, I was privy to a few laps around the speedway there and hit 160 at the top of forth (was a slight decline tho).

  2. I was thinking about the temperature quotient recently, and figured that the sheer amount of energy required to heat the underground fuel tanks to make a significant temperature change of even 1 degree would have to be heee-yooge! The mean temperature of earth at that depth does not change much at all in all types of whether, similar to the ocean temp staying fairly similar through the seasons.

    That all said, on a small scale, it is true.

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