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Posts posted by theDefiant1

  1. mmm presssssssure washer...

    Just bought a Bosch, so anytime you want to come over and have a wet shirt competition... I'll be sure to invite BadBoys over. Actually, the pressure would probably launch him over the fence, but it would be worth the laugh!

    I strongly believe that using the PW actually uses less water to wash my car than by any other means available to me, exp as I have dark blue paint. LUV IT! :yahoo:

  2. Mate, I know how you feel. I got bore water stains on my windscreen that were so bad that simply... I broke the windscreen, and insurance paid for a new one (this was actually done with their permission).

    The side windows still look ratty (best word I could think of). There are silicone based spray ons that claim to remove the staining, but FFS, don't try them - they make things MUCH worse. Imagine silicone streaks on the window, at night, with a light illuminating it. Blinding, to say the least.

    Some say using dilute vinegar works a treat, but I haven't yet tried it.

  3. I thought of putting this in the stupid thread, but I really didnt find anything after a brief search (strange, as I thought this would've been covered before)...

    I want to buy and install a cruise control unit into my rolla as I will be doing very long drives in the very near future.

    Does anyone know of good (read: cheap) brands out there?

    I see there are a few on eBay for approx $250, but it's ebay...

    Jaycar doesn't seem to have any at the moment (web search)

    And Toyota... well the last time I checked, they were looking for around $800.

    Unless it is extremely technical, I should be able to install it myself.

    Any ideas?

  4. BUMP

    Any further ideas on using touchup paint to fill minor stone damage? Anyone developed a good technique

    (FYI I have cascade blue, 8P4)

    Also as I was doing a lot of travelling, I put some clear nail varnish into one scratch as it went through the powdercoat - shall I paint over the top, or strip it?

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