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About Red_CT9A

  • Birthday 12/24/1986

Profile Information

  • Toyota Model
    Corolla Sportivo 03

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  • Location
    Brisbane - Southside

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. man if i lived in america id personally go to the kents house and kill him, actually il throw him off the cliff and laugh while hes in the air. kents like that should be fkn burnt alive, that goes for n e 1 out there who fkn disrespects animals and abuses them. FKN KENTS!
  2. yeh i want more pics of the white PP ;) haha so wish i coulda got white :(
  3. ud be surprised at just how fast a cooper S can be ;) i can safely say that cooper S is faster than a stivo , both in modded form just ask shao himself, im sure he'll agree ;)
  4. i got mine tested at 90dB my friend got his tested at 89dB the marginal difference is due to me opting for a different styled tip on the muffler so the exhaust noise level ranges from 88 to 92dB depending on style of tips etc definitely below legal thats for sure
  5. bride and recaro make rails for the zze123 but u pay for it what sum members have previosuly done is, go to ya local toyota wreckers and source a set of rails and custom them to suit whatever seat it is u have
  6. never knew TODA (Fightex) made coils for the corollas cool if they do
  7. i like ur decision with the evo cos thats what im moving to so dont listen to those guys yO convert to turbo awd like a real man hehe choice! All I will say to that is...Bring it on!! See you on the track all i will say to that is...check this link out ;) http://www.dpccars.com/car-videos/03-24-07...nese-Racing.htm sun auto cyber evo ftmw!!!
  8. i like ur decision with the evo cos thats what im moving to so dont listen to those guys yO convert to turbo awd like a real man hehe choice! Nice, which evo are you looking to buy Wei. When you get it, you can finally shut up the honda crew haha....... trying to find a 9 in the colour i want...proving to be quite difficult tho itll take a more than a few bolt ons to the 9 to be able to even keep up with some of my mates hondas man....they are scary quick one of my mate whose running B18CRT in his lil eg hatch is picking on bikes now since the other k-engined cars are too slow lmao but yeah go the evos
  9. i like ur decision with the evo cos thats what im moving to so dont listen to those guys yO convert to turbo awd like a real man hehe choice!
  10. Wei Wei is the only blue one that we know of on the forums with white wheels here in brisbane. Yep thats me ! Didnt think id ever be spotted lol Who are u Adam M and what do u drive??
  11. indeed he is yO ;) all POV cars are tuned by him also and they sure as hell perform :D
  12. its ALL in the tuning! 98/100 RON fuel wil be fine for CR above 12.5:1 provided u have a really good tune ;) alot of the all motor hondas are running high comp engines (12/13:1) but only use pump fuel, than again they are very well tuned
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