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Posts posted by KAA

  1. Awesome service report Ash, yes looks like all that effort and the continuous effort is giving you one sweet Aurion to enjoy. 

    The oil on the housing still looks brand new, I will always stick to genuine filters, as they show their worth with excellent results.

    Looking forward to the detail work report

    Keep Well and Safe


  2. Welcome to the forum Adam, I am sure any who can help on here will help! You said the Cam Belt was done 70,000klm before, Then I would start making a list of all service items you will need as personally I like to know things ARE done like cam belt, alt belt, filters, oil change, plugs etc at least the peace of mind of knowing things are new and done.

    Keep Well


  3. Hmm same comment as Tony, they base replacing a dash if the paint, seats and floor mats are good?.wow

    I also assumed the dash melt issue was over, so if they do allow it then well done, proof of ownership? surely if it is in your name on registration and insurance papers that is proof. otherwise how else do you prove you are the owner, sounds weird

    Good Luck and let us know how things go 


  4. Welcome to the forum Leanne, hope all goes easy with the head unit replacement, it should if your son takes his time and you have all the right harness fittings etc. I did go with the fitting by an expert as far too much wiring in our Presara for me to do myself plus wanted everything functioning.

    Keep us updated on how things go, and some pic's always welcome for us to enjoy

    Enjoy the forum as a lot on here are extremely helpful with information and advise


  5. I agree with Tony's comments that if it was working before work was done they are responsible for the fixing of it! if it wasn't working then I would suggest looking online for the compressor, there are aircon places that recondition compressors, the HOLE in it as Tony said is probably something as simple as o rings which can be replaced. It sounds to me that they are not telling you the whole story about what the issue is. I am pretty sure there are wreckers online who will do a Australia wide search for good second hand parts to sort what you need. Do as Tony suggested and get the compressor pressure tested that will give you the complete information, and as far as not having a name on it if it is an original part from Toyota there are only a few compressors that they used and an aftermarket one will still do the job of keeping you cool on our hot days

    Keep Well and Keep us up to date Suzy


  6. It fills the gap nicely mate, must be annoying fiddling with wires to find the right one though. I am sure eventually you will sort the camera and the gps out so all will function correctly, I know from experience how annoying wiring can be but patience and time will sort it out

    Keep us up too date on things but it does look good, and a nice clear display


  7. 16 hours ago, Tony Prodigy said:

    Give them hell Julie. We're with you on this one :thumbsup:

    For sure Julie, we are with you in any way we can be, as Tony and Ashley stated, stick to the points and facts, try not to get overheated with the boss just make sure he knows everything, also say you tried other means first before going to him directly but got nothing in return but BS

    Let us know how things progress

    But as my dad always said never be afraid to go to the top, they started out low like us mere mortals, but sometimes they forget it


  8. Same comment really as you Tony, the thought that I have to pay exorbitant prices for a new maps disc or even more for Toyota to update me send's my blood boiling, which is why when I bought our Clarion unit it came with 2 free updates I did one when we had it fitted and did another last year as I was bored at home and thought may as well. Considering they want you to fork out huge money now days for a tech filled vehicle, they continue to want you to empty your pocket yearly to have the latest maps that will probably lead you to a dead end road or miles out of your way as the system freaked out and thought you meant another country instead of the camp site close by LOL


  9. Hi John, Congratulations on the buy for the lady in your life, I would suggest looking online at specialist audio stores, example MONSTER Audio( who I used locally and would recommend as never had an issue since they fitted ours) it really is a personal choice as no idea what your tastes are, fitting will depend on your ability but I went with the business fitting it as they had all the harness connections for steering controls back up camera and head unit surround for the neat fit, plus with all the modern wiring I let the experts deal with that.

    There are a lot out there once you begin your search but I would recommend a top quality brand, as it will have everything you will ever use and usually comes with free map updates included.

    Let us know what you decide on, and how you find it


  10. First of all welcome to the forum Julie, there is nothing worse than horrible service with a dealership, is there another one close by you could go too, even if it requires a bit more of a drive? if that isn't possible then I feel it is time to write down everything you have had to go through since owning the vehicle, make sure to leave out personal feeling just list all the issues. Then I would INSIST on a meeting with the owner of the dealership, and let the owner know exactly what has been happening too you. The recourse for you if they throw their hands up and say basically too bad is the media to let all know what has been going on, and then finding a reputable mechanic to do your services. My father always taught me to stand up for what you believe to be right, if no-one complains then nothing ever changes so start at the top and if wrong accept and admit it. Yes there are black spot but that is really rare now-days , and having driven that stretch of road several times I can not recall bad radio reception but then I may have been on FM or had other music playing so others may be able to help out on that matter, but could be an antenna issue not grounded well or bad connection to the radio. I am sure others will throw in some of their own knowledge to help in any way they can as a lot of great minds on here Julie

    Keep us updated as to how things progress


  11. Have read somewhere in threads on here of some fitting a frontal camera, which would at least allow you to see anything that would impact the centre area of the bumper, so maybe that is worth exploring. I found like any car you do get used to distance and allowing for the bumper, but yes 4 sensors would have been a great help, but like anything what if's come into any design and living with a car always throws up things that could be improved.


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  12. Welcome to the forum Alex, a great choice with the Camry, they are taxi's for a reason, reliability and long life with a build quality that is second to none for the price, most refinements have come from Lexus and you can certainly tell. You will find some excellent reliable minds on here for any future Mod's you wish to do. For me it was leave it as stick as possible as I still to this day love the way our Presara was built here in Australia. All I have done is some light badge removal and a grill change and as Ash noted great quality tyre's and regular servicing. Wheel change as Tony stated would be a great start to get it to your personal taste. Keep us updated to your experience and future life with your new addition.


  13. I doubt any will complain about fitting it for your hard earned money Rick, they may try to tell you oh it wont do this or wont do that and try to get you too spend more money, I personally didn't want an issue with the wiring and wanted all steering controls to function so went with an expert fitting service. I also watched a lot of You tube videos on fitting and decided nope not for me, I used to be able to fit a lot of stuff in the days when cars had fewer wires that could burn out if fitted wrong but with all the computer set ups and being a Presara I spent the money and not had an issue since.

    Let us know what you decide and how it went Rick


  14. Saw the other night that Jaguar is going all electric in the very near future, so Ash it is something that will come. What form it will take with all the new tech into photovoltaic cells and solar charging abilities now I am hoping that the electric side of vehicle development will incorporate that to enable us to travel long distances without the need to plug in all the time to keep going.

    It is a future that is both exciting and also amazing, but like a lot I will miss that exhaust note we have right now and the ability to look at the gauge slowly going down as the miles fly by


  15. Yes Ash great song, I watched an interview with Oprah and Pharrell, he had no idea of the world wide appeal to HAPPY, he was in tears when she played him video of so many people around the world dancing and singing to his song..Dr's Nurses, everyday people being HAPPY..love it mate.


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