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Chain last won the day on October 27 2019

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    Corolla Sportivo
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    Western Australia
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  1. Hey dude, let us know how you in your next 4x4 event, i reckon you'll have no issues in the dune sections. Wheels look great, it's nice to hand the monster truck mantle over to someone with a head as large as mine Cheers Kerr
  2. Hey everyone, It's been awhile to say the least. I still have my Corolla Sportivo and it has been through some massive changes! I ended up finally finding a plug and play Apexi PowerFC Unit + Hand Controller from a mate and to be expected i ended up having issues again lmao. Car made significantly more power with it plugged in, gaining 34HP through the midrange, 18 in the top end and improving drivability enormously. Lift was tuned in at 5200RPM and made for a really fun spirited drive. I say 'had' because i ended up removing it due to the idle issue, something the previous owner also dealt with. Basically, the car would either idle at around 1000rpm sounding like a lumpy cam or at 2800rpm, there was no in between. I originally could deal with it, until you get sick of it. Due to the poor idle, the car essentially would have to be revved out before being able to take off which was frustrating to say the least. Also, engine braking was negligible due to the high idle setting, resulting in being unable to engine brake properly using downshifts. I also re-painted the inserts of my headlights, replaced the LED Halos with a brand new pair and used lenses from a pair of new headlights to seal them all fresh. I finally managed to get some facelift taillights, genuinely can't believe it took me this long to change them back. I ditched the leather Recaro SR3's i had in favour for a pair of Mitsubishi Evolution 8 MR (JDM) Recaros in a nice black suede with leather stitching. Paired with KYOUU rails, they sit the same, are bolstered far more aggressively and are a far safer option. I'm now running Yokohama AD08R in a 225/45 instead of the 50 profile. In my opinion, they sit far better than the Potenzas, though admittedly i do miss the chunky tyre look. Hope all is well, i'll do my best to keep the forum updated from now on.
  3. If you're referring to changing gears at 8000rpm, generally unless you slip the clutch you won't land lift in second gear without absolutely ragging on the box. When i change into second from first, i delay my shift about halfway through (around neutral) to prevent locking out of the gear and grinding the synchro, it's how i munted second gear on my original gearbox. Take it easy, the car's not even fast in a straight line so no point slamming gears to be honest.
  4. Thought so, cheers man :)
  5. WTS Gearbox, will send free in return for LB noods
  6. Honestly the don't need alot, get some decent oil into the motor (5w40 full Synthetic is what i use) and into the box (i run 75w-90 with nulon g70) and you're pretty much set My basic go would be; Intake, Exhaust, Coilovers, Rear Sway bar and some decent tyres Or even Tyres and Coilovers, can't go wrong :))
  7. i made 157 on a 'true reading' dyno man, on a more generous dyno such as those who achieve 180 ect it would be closer to the 200hp atw man. Sounds pretty low but its all about power to weight, was never purchased as a fast car just wanted something i can have a bit of fun in and send it around the track and make some good times! Some updated photos, all pretty average quality sorryboutit :)) Also i apologize for my calves, im ashamed too
  8. UPDATE BECAUSE SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE BOYS Most recent mod: Recaro SR3's in Leather with Red stitching on Bride Rails! Protected by Bowden's Detailing line for leather care. Also put in a fire extinguisher for those track days down to maccas, was a really clean install and ill see if i can get a photo soon :) Tyre letters were installed a few weeks back but heres a close up shot of them anyway! Cheers love you all
  9. UPDATE FOR THE BOYS So past few weeks, I've done a few things, -New Double Halo Angel eyes, change to a bright orange when indicating aswell ,looks **** awesome IMO - Bumper quick releases because my clips were ruined -The Lowdown Limited edition (personal preference) -Pair of Hellatones mounted behind grill -Fully sik Yokohama Sportivo tyre lettering -Slimline tinted weathersheilds -DBA T2 Slotted Rotors (not sure if i've mentioned this in the past) -HID's replaced with LED globes all around - Smoked side indicators Also have a suprise coming in the week, very excited to say the least as besides wheels i don't have much else i would like to do (realistically) until i get another car. One day i'll boost this car, i do plan on keeping it for a long time and its not something i'm looking at selling. I was meant to be doing two track days in the past few weeks, first one was cancelled and the second one was boycotted due to a late notice (**** night before) price increase of over 200% for one day. Here's my favourite photos of how the car's sitting right now, cheers guys and i will update when my MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD upgrade is here next week
  10. Check lift bolts, is often the cause for this issue. Worst comes to worst could be a ****** fuel pump or a reset of the ecu. Do the small things first man, few mechanics have knowledge of the 2zzge, let alone diagnosing why lift isn't engaging. I'd 100% replace the liftbolts though.
  11. This is a long term project for me, and one day i plan on building and boosting it. Long time away though. I get tempted to sell it but i honestly love it, theres nothing else around like it and everything done is done by me, making it an extremely personal build. Could be wrong but isn't yours for sale dude? Please don't sell it i need more tivo mates hahaha. Fuel economy is the same atm dude,haven't been worried about it to be honest so it's running as normal as far as i can tell. I'll try find someone soon enough man. And i didn't grab a dyno sheet man, i was mostly looking for torque power figures.
  12. Gains so far are fantastic man, don't expect a stupid amount of power straight up but it made a difference, To be honest, it's honestly up to you if you think its worth it. If you track your car or enjoy a spirited drive i couldn't recommend it more. It is an absolute **** around (for me anyway) to have it put in, find someone who can and has done it before. i can't stress that enough.
  13. Well a long overdue update is in order i'd say. I have had a very expensive past month or so with such being done; >V-manage ecu Tuned and fitted, this was an absolute **** around to do and all though it's fantastic, find someone who knows what they're doing as the tuner's i went to had no idea what they were doing pretty much. >Brand new Exedy HD clutch and Xtreme Performance Lightweight Flywheel >Brand new DBA Slotted T2 rotors both Front and Rears >A NEW GEARBOX Gearbox went on the drive home after the tune, was stupidly dissapointed as i had already had a terrible day dealing with the tuner joint messing me around with their prices and claims of how poorly the ecu fitting had gone. Found a new gearbox within a week with only 115kms on it from an 05. It's all fitted now and it's running perfect so i can't be too dissapointed. I'll put some photo's up soon as i've done a few aesthetic changes, i look foward to putting them up! Heres how it was sitting prior to the gearbox deleting itself.
  14. Happy for you man, if you get the chance let me know on FB how much you got the rebuild for, would be keen on one day getting my gearbox done aswell just for prevention.
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