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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. LOL! me never! punked depenends! you will be some time thought! :) we will wear you down ..... you'll slip up somewhere ... hahahahha
  2. im keen .. just gotta get permission .. coz I would have just arrived back from coolum .. dunno if I can get a leave pass from the morning.. Leave is already approved for the normal meet but depends how early I can get out of the house without having to face the wrath of wife when I get home ..
  3. petemiester ... the Ladies man ..... but still that dosent answer the question .. are we all being punked ...
  4. Hahahahah ... ive been on teleconferences all day .. so amusing ... made it worth switching on my lap top ! .. hmmm .. now we have to pick if pete is leading us down the rabbits hole .. or trying to cover some tracks ... we are too smart and we out number you pete ... if you lead us down the rabbit hole .. sunny .. you go with him ... i'll stay and uncover the tracks ! see you cant win ...
  5. hmmmm .. pay what ??? i dunno what that means ..... hhahahahah Nah .. bring it ... I can cop it as good as I give ! :) :) :)
  6. hey ... you egged me on .. hhahaha ( tranqulisers....) anyways .. im sure they do ... and too bad if they dont .. no skin off my chin . ! ...
  7. common .. im sure she has a sense on humour .. if someone is too precious too see the humour then I dunno if I wanna meet them anyways ..
  8. i'd be willing to bet she has read this .. So we are not freaks .. We just enjoy giving pete a little stick .. and we only do it coz he is a top bloke and I know/hope that he can hack a little stick from some mates ! mmmmm BBQ pete .. make the meet happen ... maybe a mini meet up our way !
  9. finally ! .. .. it took someone 3 hours to type the LOVE word .. but we gotta be delicate with pete ... after all he is already cut up about his car ... :o :o :o
  10. i second that .. only thing that goes in my petrol tank .. comes from a petrol pump ...
  11. I ( as in IPOD .... and pete .. i know pea isnt a nut ... but it does spell PEANUT ... you peanut !)
  12. good work pete .. hmmm " I smell something in the air " ..... what is it ?
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