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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. Blue LEvin on the M2 this morning about 7 am with their foggies on ... !
  2. whingers ..................:)
  3. Thats exactly what im trying to get going ... this topic is not getting much coverage here ....
  4. Hey guys ... Just wanted to gauge some interest .. Im really into the whole texas hold'em poker thing .. Just wondering if anyone else out there is too ... Im in Sydney and we have about 3-4 of us that try to get together regularly to play on a friday nite ... normally kick off the night with friday nite footy .. (when it comes back to season ) then on to poker ... Normally $10-$15 buy in ... and if you lucky at the end of the night you'll have enough for petrol money for the next week... and then cruise ... probably to north parra ... to get a Jimmy's kebab ... Id like to get to 6-8 ppl to play poker .. tell me what you guys think .... Maybe make it like a poker/toyota meet/gamble and cruise
  5. Ive used the ciggerette lighter before and that had no problems ... just need to splice the wiring open and wa lah !
  6. eggbert_99

    Karma !

    Hi everyone .. Just want to tell you a little story .. that happened to me last nite ! Last nite I left my phone on the train ... I didnt realise this until I got a phone call. I was actually already asleep so I had no idea my phone was even missing. So the house phone rang ... and on the other end was a guy ... funny enough .. his name is Jason . He said " Mate .. I have your phone" And I thought to myself ... he could have so easily not bothered to even contact me ... or just left it at the station etc.... Luckly he lives in Stanhope gardens ... so was close by. There was a box of chocolates in the fridge that we hadent opened so I decided to give it to him as a very small token of appreciation. So when I got there I had a bit of a chat with him ... He was not what I expected to see when I got there ... I saw a guy in his late 20's .. his wife and 2 kids and his mother in-law ... almost looked like the type of perfect family you see on TV or in the movies .. Anyway ... He explained that his mother in-law was coming down to sydney from gosford and found my phone up there ... So very fortunate that my phone found its way in to the hands of a family that has the right set of values ... And this leads me to KARMA ... For some reason I feel that doing the small things like ... letting someone in when changing lanes .. or little things like that pay off at some other unexpected time. If we all were more flexible, understanding, patient, kind and courteous, then this society would be more like the family I met last nite ... I hope they enjoy the choclates ! I have now made it a personal agenda of mine to change my attitudes towards others ... esp when Im driving ... etc ... Its the little things we do that can change the world ... any body else experienced this type of kindness .. and do you believe in Karma
  7. Lady boy ... ( and its She-ra )
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