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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. meh, not really... its not a taste thing, and im ok with having a couple, but not getting drunk... and i figure why start if i can just drink coke and enjoy it just as much... im a church boy as well remember?!
  2. your bedtime for a 20 year old.
  3. yeah 1. i cant drive if i have a beer 2. i dont drink anyway.
  4. 11k for a sportivo! maybe i should start panel beating... <_<
  5. well its saving money... so its the same idea... sounds like your old man is doing alright for himself... dunno if i could own a business though, too much stress for me!
  6. ok sweet no worries... ill be there for pizza though :P
  7. yeah why not hey... therapy that MAKES money is always a good thing!
  8. the number of times we've had sportivo... ascent
  9. lol... is it like a requirement that everyone in ACT must have a defiante opinion on political parties? and you're king well done... noone even saw it coming... so the fixing up corollas isnt a business?
  10. a wall would be easier... i have a portable screen but its not that big... do you have any white walls available for projecting onto? or do you have a wall i can pin or tape a white sheet to?
  11. how many businesses does your family own michael?
  12. lol fire up! :P seriously if you're having pizza and drinks and origin at your place, ill bring my projector and speakers... we will watch it in style! alternatively just come to my place :P
  13. i might head up to the shops in a tick to get my coffee and some brekky... all day breakfast from the cafe at westfield north rocks - bacon, egg and cheese panini with plenty of bbq sauce :) mmmm
  14. really? yeah come up for the day/night!
  15. ok so there's three of us whoring today... me and mick go to the girls thread... then what are you going to do jason?
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