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Posts posted by blue_rolla

  1. hey mate, thanks for resurrecting my thread :P

    in the end i put my tweeters in the air vent holes, in the bracket supplied with the speakers that let me swivel them towards the listener... i love where they are - sound is good, and my tweeters are big enough to fill that whole vent so it looks like its meant to be there...

    if you want a pic let me know.. i'll have to go take one..

    i'd suggest if your tweeters fit nicely in those holes, put them in there... ive never used those vents - they are for demisting the side windows... i find that if you stick your windscreen demister on full ball the air still manages to reach the windows so they clear up fast too...

  2. hahaha commercial vehicles... that place is pumping...

    oh crap im whoring... sorry to everybody who has limited time on this planet and doesnt want to waste it reading this sort of thing...

  3. yeah good plan micky - i vote micky for member's ride mod...

    having said that, im still more than happy for people to post in my thread... and the "guideline" should be that the first post made by the owner of said vehicle should just be kept the way they want it, and keep all relevent information there...

    soo if by some random chance that someone on here doesnt want to read pages of chat concerning the car, they don't have to! just look at the first post! isnt that convenient!?

    everybody is a winner here.

  4. yeah i picked it up off some wreck from some dodgy dude down in canberra... he's all like "yeah come down to canberra and pick it up, its in good nick, and ill sell it to you cheap.."

    so i turn up in canberra... its damaged...

    luckily enough i have proven 3kw gain from the dent :lol:

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