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Posts posted by blue_rolla

  1. ahh i always feel sorry for the losing goalkeeper after penalty shootouts... the french guy looked so miserable after.. :(

    im angry that italy won though! wtf?! did you see how many dives they took that game? i love my soccer, but at this level there's too much acting and not enough "hey i tripped over your foot, my bad, lets keep playing"... sportsmanship is the word im looking for..

  2. oh my goodness... 5 mins left of overtime...

    i think it will go to a penalty shootout...

    stupid zidane for headbutting that guy... im sure he deserved it and it was an impressive hit, but he was asking to get sent off...

    ergh! so stressful!



    here we go.. :(

  3. i have been away all of last week and i didnt check inside the SRC cruise thread... far out what a suprise i found in there...

    anyway if that's already being organised, then the blue mountains cruise is hereby cancelled, and we will go and join SRC if we want to have a cruise.

    first post now just has the information of their cruise.

    come along to it guys! i think corolla mega meets are definately in order!!



    Hey guys & girls im pretty new to the forum, so what better way to get to know you all by inviting you on a cruise with Sydney Rolla CLub below are the details-really hope to have as many rollas out nd about as possible

    In celebration of FLYNSX hitting the pages of fast fours for its second time, thought it was only appropriate to organise a nice cruise, followed by a feed at the end.

    Date: Sunday 16th July

    Meet: P6 Carpark homebush

    Time: 11am meet, 11.30 Depart

    The destination is Patonga, about an hour-ish up the coast.

    The route we will take- from P6 we will make our way to Old Pac, Berowra Exit, where the large truck stop is, here we will stop shortly for everyone to Regroup before we hit Old Pac. We are only going to do Old Pac until the 1st exit onto the F3 at Mooney Mooney(Hawkesbury). Then will continue along the F3 taking the Pacific Highway Exit Somersby, we will continue along until Woy Woy Rd and turn right, then bear right at Rawson RD, At the roundabout – we will take the 3rd exit onto Ocean Beach RD, follow along to the 3rd exit which is Sydney Ave. Which turns into Hobart Ave, then bear left at Mt Ettalong RD, following up and round some twisty roads we bear right along Patonga Dr, we will follow this all the way and will come into Patonga, we are going to go past the cricket ground and take the first left at Bay st- follow this st and we will come to Patonga Reserve, where we will let the Rolla’s Rest.

    I thought that we would limit the old Pac run on the way up so we keep us together as much as possible, trust me guys the rest of the roads are just as good! Then on our departure I suggest doing the full run down Old Pac-which is up to the drivers on the day.

    Once there we will get the BBQ started-

    Sausage Sandwich $2.00

    Drinks $1

    The spot is great- a lot of parking and some great spots to get photos with water/beach background.

    Please post a msg up here if your keen on coming, it should be a great day out.

    Cheers Bec

  5. ah well a number of our group are chicks these days..

    its good to see girls getting into the car club scene all over the place as actual car enthusiasts, not just sluts looking for some action...

  6. was it the ozwrx club? ive met a few of them and theyre a good bunch of guys...

    whats been going on here lately dudes? i had a big week last week... hardly got a chance to get on here...

  7. alright well i just read up... and to be honest i dont have anything else to say about this whole whoring whinging club lounge business...

    i think that this club lounge is a good solution, but i dont think it should have had to come to this... its just all too serious...

    i seriously don't understand why it is that people think it is their right to just come on here, have a whinge about the activities people are doing to build a community, scab their free info, and then leave... the people who paid for the silver memberships are obviously those who truly care for the club, and want to see it grow and flourish, and therefore should have more power and influence than those whinging non-silvers...

    it also strikes me as completely ridiculous that people can come on here, whine about how they have little time and money, and how the amount of whoring on this site ruins their experience, and it shouldnt be like that becuase THEY need to have a strict concentrated hit of corolla information from the club... as far as im concerned, those people should be forced to accept what they are given if they arent commited enough to make a small donation to the club...

    i think its a load of crap that the whores (who are ALMOST all silvers) should have to change their actions because of a few people who got the craps with us... there are so many tight asses who come on this forum looking for an excuse to whinge...

    ergh it just drives me craz how mch people whinge about the smallest things in their lives, like a forum not being up to scratch to their personal preference... there are worse things to worry about in life, like financial issues (which you all must have if you can't afford silver memberships).. relationships problems etc... hell if you wanna go big, how bout the problem of thousands of children dying all the time from disease in the third world?

    no no none of these things are important as TOCAU being a pretty little tight club with no fun and solid information...

    i think this "club lounge" is a bit of a joke... its not a bad idea, and it does make the largest number of people happy.. so good on whoever made it happen... but its a bit like "we're sick of the post whores, so lets just shove them all into this corner so we can't see them" ...

    one of the best things about the level of whoring/community on this forum was the way it included certain shy people to get chatting.. i think if i joined a forum, i wouldnt go to the lounge.. i'd see that as a place for the regulars to chat.. i'd go to the place i want information from, and if i saw some silly and fun posts in there, i'd be more inclined to join the fun and games..

    oh my goodness im tired... end of rant...


  8. obviously mark.. do you even realise you're going to be a mod any moment now?

    yeah she told me as soon as she found out .. i have to make my own acc :(

    what?! what a load of crap! i reckon most of the votes were for you anyway! :P

    sorry mish its mark's account too!

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