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Posts posted by blue_rolla

  1. haha! how did you know becca?

    whats going on everyone?

    i have an announcement:

    I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!! ... well actually its a really old car...

    so anyway im restoring it! :D and keeping my nice rolla for a daily driver!

  2. :lol: i think nelson was joking...

    but you're right... lets chillax people! im over everything that has happened, but im way too busy to get a chance to post much at the moment...

    as soon as everything dies down (i.e when uni starts), ill be back on here in full force!

    (yes i know, only in the club lounge)

  3. alrighty im back in the game...

    im over not having time to spend on here... and im over whingers on this forum...

    lets get this ball rolling again! i declare whoring in the "club lounge"..


  4. haha awesome video phil! love how you put all the burnouts together, and all the runs, then the cars returning... thats fantastic...

    damn jason, is your head big enough?! i wanted to see how much later mintos launched than me...

    ah nevermind...

    congrats again to mintos, very impressive run... i swear i thought i'd cracked the record cos i passed the line before you - didnt see u launch later than me..

  5. ok i think the issue here is not so much that the post counts have been removed... that's not the problem...

    there's a few problems that have lead to people either refusing to post, or not being bothered to post...

    i'll just put some things down that ive been hearing from other people. i don't agree with all of them...

    1. because there has been so much whinging going on here about the whores, and the amount of posts, to the point of people caring enough to have the boards changed to "club lounge" and "car discussion", i think some people just don't want to post in here if all they are going to get from the rest of the club is a mouthful of abuse for it...

    2. some silver members (mainly the whoring ones), have gotten fed up with all this whining from non-silver members about their little club not being perfect and easy for them...

    i agree with this: what right do you have to whinge and moan about a FREE forum/community? you didnt pay for it, so you're not losing anything if its not perfect... here's jason's analogy: someone gives you a free can of coke, but its not chilled... do you yell after him and abuse him for not refrigerating it for you? no. you don't.

    i'm not saying that becuase we've donated my $40 to steve, silver members have a right to complain.. but go and read back on all this crap... its the non-silver non-whores that started it all...

    dylan made a simple little thread about posts not being in the wrong section, and we took notice and stopped... BUT THEN, some of you had the nerve to come out and complain about ALL post whoring and tell us that its wrong in ANY thread... wonder why we have the sh!ts?

    3. some of us have been busy, and its just come at the wrong time as far as the forum is concerned- just when everything changes... i know I have had alot of things come up, and i can name others who just dont have time to post up in here anymore...

    that will do for now... you have to understand there are a number of reasons for not posting, and post count has nothing to do with it... but i think the general feel amongst the whores is that we were having fun doing our thing. we saw a complaint about doing it in the wrong section, and we seriously all said to each other (on msn and on here) that we should keep it to our whoring threads and the complaints just kept on coming...

  6. mintos are you crossing the line in 3rd?

    i have to get into 4th just before the line, which is a tad annoying... on my first run i missed 4th :P popped straight into neutral and tried to keep hammering it :unsure:

    anyway it was an alright night, even though i only got 2 runs... i had crap times... 16.1 and a 15.9...

    congratulation again mintos -thats some crazy random times you've pulled out there...i didnt even know you ewre in the running for it :P

  7. well its hard to handle a situation like this... no matter what you do, its going to have a positive and negative influence, depending on who's perspective you look at...

    from the whorers perspective: we've been shoved into a corner by a bunch of whinging b!tches who will take take take from this club, but refuse to support it, and then think they have a right to whinge about it...

    from the "serious" member's perspective: whoring has basically stopped now, and everything that comes through the forum is now "information"

    way to go everyone... we have a dead forum of people who have the sh!ts with everyone else...

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