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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. hahaha yes best meet ever. turnout was great, weather was great, twisties were great, fush and chups were great... we should do that again some time :P
  2. KIAMA VIDEO IS OUT!!! VIDEO - CHECK IT!! BOO YA. took me long enough :P
  3. Kiama Video!! my kiama video is out! check it!
  4. Here's the video I made up... Can someone tell me if this hosting site is fast and good? I can't seem to tell... LARGE FILE: KIAMA MEET VIDEO - 50mb SMALL FILE: 56k Kiama Meet Video Just a note: At the end, at the credits, I say thanks to Sydney Guys... when i say that, i mean girls too... i use guy as a generic thing... im scared of you girls now, there's too many of you! oh and i know some are double ups... i just randomly selected pics from my massive folder of them... and if the music isnt your taste, i dont care.
  5. no but i think its the main ingredient of a lynx bottle?
  6. What the bra? my car is just reaching pubity! As apposed to Pete who has a few years to go Sorry Pete
  7. the video is uploading as we speak! woo!! thing is it wont be up till just after 2, and i gotta be at work then, so you'll have to wait till i get home around 6.30 to get it...
  8. I've seen so many variations of the Club's abbreviated name... So here's a poll, we'll see which gets the most votes and maybe we can decide on a common abbreviation for au.toyotaownersclub.com <_<
  9. haha i just finished my lunch... had leftovers from 2, maybe 3 nights ago... pasta with my special bolognese sauce ;) mmmm :D ... i gotta go to work at 2... how lame is that...
  10. yeah ... you need 50 bottles of lynx ... before my dog will go near you ...hehehehehh WHAM ! ooooo... zing...
  11. ... i haven't checked my car yet... probably a few more dents and scratches everywhere... im getting over it now :P
  12. editing as we speak... :D ... well you speak, i edit...
  13. haha this is crap now, all the people who were contending for this have bought silver already... where's rob when you need him?
  14. this ad definately beats the carlton draught ad... however i don't need to use lynx to get that effect...
  15. i loved those twisties! it was a little freaky when i came round a tight blind corner to see vince, a hilux and a huge puff of smoke... i had to brake hard and veer off the road to miss him - lucky it wasnt a cliff! those sorts of drives are fun, but all it takes is one bad move from anyone and it could be all over... that being said i had a mad time on the twisties :D thanks dylan for leading the way into kiama and taking us on the drive :)
  16. geez pete... just 2 more days and you win! a bit gay that this thread was deleted for a couple of days, but i'll let that slide... CAN A NON-SILVER MEMBER PLEASE POST HERE?!
  17. nite pete! have a good one! video should be up by the morning, if my computer doesnt crash again
  18. sleep is for the weak!! its alright i don't start work till 2 tomorrow, so by my calculations, i can get away with being bed by about 4am and still get a good night's sleep :D
  19. blue_rolla's pics here :P give me a tick :P im just going through all the video footage - got some great stuff... should be a good one ;)
  20. i am so bored just waiting for the video so save onto my computer so i can start editing... could take a while.. there is SOOO much footage!
  21. same here! im just getting em on my computer, then im sorting out the video... ill work through the night on it and get it up by the morning :P
  22. i stole the panoramic :P ok im aware its too big... ill resize it in a tick... im just claiming it!
  23. HA! coming from the guy who has to jet home from work to get his hit for the day! TOCAU is the new crack apparently... cya soon :D
  24. woooo!! ok im getting in the car, stopping by gloria jeans (woooo) and going to showground... cya all very shortly! :D im so excited! AND I BOUGHT BATTERIES ALREADY!! YYYYEEEEWWWW!!! :D
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