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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. thats true... there's no way italy could have gotten beaten by australia! he was sooo paid off... ergh there are so many millions of people that hate that guy so bad now..
  2. it doesnt get more obvious than that :P don't stress pete... noone has said anything bad... i'll stick up for ya if they do ;) ... seriously the thread is all in good fun... i wouldnt do it to someone if i didnt think they could handle the joke...
  3. i need a new paint job :( sooo many chips and scratches EVERYwhere...
  4. blue_rolla

    New Club

    far out i gotta get back into it!! i've been slack the last few days... gotta catch up! stupid xbox is taking me away from posting!! :P
  5. haha nah im not suggesting ive bought friends here ... just saying i've made great friends, and a bunch of other stuff ive gained from this place, that i decided to show the guy who is making it all possible that i appreciate it.. anyway i don't think anything useful should be restricted, cos there are people who simply cannot afford to put $40 aside to buy a membership, and some people do come and go when they just want information, and that's to be expected in a community... (and when i say nothing useful should be restricted, i think the silver membership lounge should be, cos there is nothing useful in there :P)
  6. ok ok fine... its your choice... if you don't think its worth it, then noone can make you join up... we're just joking around anyway... if you don't join up, it makes no difference... the forum will keep running, and we'll all still be here... it just gives us something to do... having said that, i think its a good thing to support the club, and i don't do it for no flood control (i didnt even know that was a benefit till i joined), or for the subscribed member lounge or anything... i just did it cos i can spend $40 on something useless that will last me a few minutes, or an hour, or a week... or i can spend it on something that will keep going, and i will keep using, and enjoy... but george if you don't like us harrasing you then we'll stop... sorry man... we're just stuffing around...
  7. haha... oh no mish is going to overtake us all... damn housewives :P
  8. haha noone needs the dot... the others are just too pansy to try and win without it :P
  9. what about the friends you have made? the fun you have on cruises? the info you receive about your car? the info about what parts to buy?
  10. oi! george! why arent you a silver yet?
  11. hey pete... BE A MAN... DO THE RIGHT THING!!
  12. haha... i dont mind some john william's scores! not just from star wars but other movies too... he does some great stuff! now... what to have for lunch...
  13. lol you paid for your membership! i just ripped you off for the front bar accidently :P
  14. haha and all the discussion about dance practise!
  15. thats part of the top 10 posters list... :P what im trying to show is pete is the top poster, and he hasnt got a silver membership.... but the next 6 people on the list do...
  16. oh wow yay sweeeeeet! money finally must have gone to the right place... congratulations mish (and mark)! our newest silver members! go and check up on the subscribed members lounge :P
  17. thats cos you don't whore enough george!
  18. nah uni holidays! :D actually i have an exam friday... but that's what thursday is for...
  19. i'd just like to point something out:
  20. what were you doing at the hostpital? :(
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