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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. BAH! just got home too late to get king! :( oh well im off again peeps... girlfriend and chinese food and coffee to attend to...
  2. hey everyone! i just got called into work! wooo! another shift! and free coffee! woo!
  3. you head down marsden road...and then left onto mobbs lane... and its a fair way up that street...
  4. i try my best... ok im going for coffeeeeee wooooooooo!! WOOOOO!!! :D :D :D
  5. cos if it was michelle it would be... morning peeps heheheehehheehheeehhheeehheeeh :D :D :D :D :D heheheheehehhheeehehehe
  6. oh wow thats heaps close to my place... im about... 10 mins from rosehil... or less if you drive fast.... so how many hours of work do you do a week! must be heaps! good money though huh :)
  7. so exactly which guys are going to "Try" and pick up?
  8. ooohhh... receptionist where? sounds like a pretty cruisy job i wouldnt have thought you could get online at bakers delight :P...
  9. oh <_< i dont think my lady would be too impressed if i did that... but ill come and watch the guys try and pick up :P
  10. haha... all the studying of new posts...
  11. i dont think i ever thought about it... maybe cos neighbours is filmed in melbourne i was under the impression home and away was too... but that would be ridiculous to do a beachy show in melbourne...
  12. bec what exactly do you do? (i hear something about you baking things?) and how come you can get on the net at work?
  13. i swear i dont even get whats going on in this thread... who's picking up who?
  14. is home and away filmed at palm beach!? :o wow... anyway im sure we'll find a good carpark to take photos in... sounds like a fun way to get there geroge :)
  15. hey penny... ill keep you company for about 15 mins... then im going to get coffee with my gf... she's bludging the last few days of school :P i might be back on later though! can't miss out on too many posts! seems to be a slow morning so far... i guess now that jason can't get on from work the forum is all but dead...
  16. lol morning all! just got back from my exam... it was actually pretty hard :(... all multiple choice but nearly every question could have gone either way... oh well we'll see when the results come out i suppose...
  17. sure did! ok off to bed! sleep time! exam soon! :(
  18. haha good one rob... this thread is ridiculous :P
  19. ehhh!! well played!! HOLY CRAP WE'RE ON 312 PAGES ALREADY?!?!? you guys are a bunch of losers :P not me though...
  20. all i see is you posting and me not losing 40 bucks!
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