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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. in your driveway? whats that about? you got some special secret plans do you? ... and yes, someone said carputer... ooo... all the "my state has some secret mods coming up, and they will blow you away" calls are coming from every direction... this should be interesting...
  2. my car was hidden! doesnt anyone care?! oh well, no skin off my nose... you're the ones missing out if you cant see my car... especially when you are showing it off to all your buddies and they are like "none of these cars are cool" ... and you go "yeah tom's car is hidden behind the corolla, its a REAL cool one" and they go "oooohhhhh"
  3. yeah the cost, plus the lack of energy... ive been tired all night... stupid late night kebabs then having to get up to play soccer!! (at 11am :P)
  4. WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THAT CRAP?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? .... man... some people are so lame.
  5. yeah i got it built in to my carputer... its way cheaper and its all integrated... :D
  6. true story... im so broke now cos of this stupid car modding bug ive caught... i need a new camera... lets go camera shopping jase... :D
  7. nah we didnt go to the movies... we had dinner out pretty late, then we came back here and watched a couple of episodes of LOST... i love that show...
  8. yeah GPS is awesome!! just type in the address, and it tells you where to go... great if you're going to an unfamiliar area to some very random back street place... "turn left, 200 metres..." love it!
  9. im guessing he just went to bed? i just got back from dropping my girlfriend home... i think im good to hit the hay now though... im so tired... maybe a couple of posts first though...
  10. JASON GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS THREAD!!! (i know i said i would boycott it, but im only in here to set jason straight...) back to boycotting this lameness...
  11. yeah i so wouldnt do those shows :P im too lazy... actually id do amazing race, thats a pretty cool show... who's winning this season?
  12. charms did you mean to say LAMO... or did you mean LMAO? they both work... its a pretty funny video, but i dont find tom green to be all that great...
  13. thats all well and good, but my car isnt in there...
  14. aww just make the trip up to sydney! its not THAT far!
  15. ok new page... im gunna head off... have a lovely evening everybody...
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