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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. i dont know that that is so cool... you chicks are getting a little to weird and power hungry for my liking... get back in the kitchen!
  2. he was riding DAMN low... held up a few cars getting into the carpark cos he turned left and right trying to work out the best angle to get up and not scrape!
  3. yeah i noticed that too!! surely not!! :o the seats dont look comfy, but the rear buckets look sweet... if they were a little more padded up that'd be real nice...
  4. 5 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) 5 Members: blue_rolla, Sportivo05, OH84BY, Levinchiq, MsportivO ... are you girls just sitting in here waiting to pounce on any unsuspecting guy who walks in here? im not afraid of you...
  5. lets not!! im back from dinner... what have we all been doing tonight?
  6. you do realise you guys will be doing a lap dance on each other? and us girls will have our camera's handy hell yeah!!!!!!!! i'd come for that for sure!!!!! wow thats nice... i think if jase did a lap dance on me: 1. id like to kill myself. 2. i think he'd crush me anyway... have you SEEN jase?! that guy weighs like 120kg!
  7. Women Are Like ...the stock market They're irrational and can bankrupt you if you're not careful. ...computers They take too long to warm up and a better model always comes along once you've already got one. ...Saran Wrap Useful but clingy. ...horses Fun to pet and ride but a pain to feed and clean up after. ...parking meters If you don't feed them with enough money you face serious consequences. ...fax machines Useful for one very specific purpose but otherwise just high-maintenance paperweights. ...political campaign contributors If you let them talk about themselves long enough you wind up in bed with them. ...refrigerators They're always cold and never seem to have a beer when you need one. ...blue jeans They look good for a while but eventually they fade and have to be replaced. ...country western songs They're annoying, they all sound alike, but if you really listen to them you'll get depressed and drink a lot. .......... males represent.
  8. pete... yes they are DEFINATELY worth getting out of bed for... we'll come by your house at 2am :)
  9. well it all depends on what time you go to bed...
  10. well mish, as much as i want you to come along... its that or nothing...
  11. done... is JFK open at 4.30 in the morning?
  12. nope, there is one dance. to be performed at kiama... and only IF you both have joined by then... if mish decides not to attend cos of some lame parties, then thats her problem :P and if its to be the macarena, it will be ONE round of the macarena dance, till the 1/4 turn, and then its over and there must be applause... and jason and michael AND PETE have to agree to dancing before we commit to this...
  13. ok but michelle has to join too... otherwise no dancing... the deal is... bec AND mish join, and we dance... but how long does the dance have to be? and what sort of dance? lets get this sorted out before i sign anything :P
  14. ok if jason and michael also dance, i will dance with them... otherwise no dancing... and you have to join first!! hurry!
  16. they arent huge... but far out they are the best kebabs!!
  17. really? well come for the ride! we'll go hunt him!
  18. its definately got character...
  19. ill be wearing my uggies methinks... and im not dancing!
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