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Posts posted by wishbone

  1. if your still unsure when you need to change your timing belt, i say just wait! IF you hear clicking/ticking noise comming from the engine then its most probably your timing belt, dont fret if your timing belt breaks before you can swap it over for a new one...as for the 5SFE engine has a non interference system so if it does give way nothings gonna break!

    btw congratz on the purchase! how much did it set u back?

  2. they r tryin to cut down on all the hoon behaviour by us youngens...i saw an unmarked ford falcon gt-p with green plates driven by a copper...he pulled over a pulsar 2oo...my guess is they rock up 2 the lights and becoz their cars have 20 percent tints on em, u can see a thing! so must p-platers think its a p-plater with a hot ride..i call em bait cops :P

  3. well i think for a camry its not worth it...however there is a new system called gas injection (SVI system) which is supposd to be very good, and eliminates backfire (something that the old LPG system had-and was the main reason why ppl stayed away from LPG)...the 2.4L camry was meant to be fuel effiecent and not as powerful...so if u do decide to go with a LPG system you will see a drop in power and thus you will be flooring it more and that means using more fuel...the best vehicles for LPG conversion is falcons or commodores, mainly becoz they have massive engines (so a lil power loss wont make much of a difference-still got plenty of grunt) and they really love the LPG fuel...so my advice is the camry is good on regular unleaded, keep it on that- you will regret the conversion (if u go thru with it)...hope tht helps

  4. thts def from america/canada...i would say try a google search for camry bodykits or even check out ebay (US ebay)...will probably cost you an arm and a leg to ship it over here....not to mention the price of the kit (considering the exchange rate)...

  5. sorry to hear that mate...bt i think pics would def help us all out..to determine if it will run like it was "pre-accident" condition....what parts need repairing/replacing?...yep i would go to a toyota dealership, they tend not to cut corners, but very steep in price tho...good luck mate!

  6. I wish they would bring out season 2...

    Has anyone watched Swift and Shift Couriers on SBS???

    summer heights high is awesome!!! best character is jonah..luv the last episode when he gets expelled...and puts up his dictation tag all over the skool and on the teachers cars...

    yeah bud swift and shift couriers is pretty funny too...i never got into the whole fat pizza bt this ones a good laugh...its on straight after top gear australia on monday nights (8.30pm) i recc. u fellas shld watch it!!

  7. my life is all over. one of my now former friend undermined me and now my best friend is in love with him. and she said shell never see more then a bro. **** i want to fold that ***** in half hes asked every girl ive liked out when he knew i liked them. **** him **** him he can go ******ign **** his ******ng self ******en *****. hell pay

    whats with you and all these friend problems ?

    why is your life over ? what because the girl you like, cant see you more than a friend ? so ? who cares life goes on - its not like you've known her your whole life, was your life over and doomed before you met her ? no ? so why is it now - fck her, fck the guy :) go find someone else and stop wasting your time on someone whose not worth it

    you need to relax a little emo kid

    yo dude take her advice....sure ur cut right now...bt move on, find some1 better!! im sure theres some1 out there fo u...

  8. oh my fking ***, i just checked my answers for multiple choice economics on the boredofstudies website AND I GOT 20/20 OMGGG DUDE HOW THE FK ? I DIDNT EVEN STUDY THAT HARD OMG - this is the happiest moment of my life LOL i dnt give a fk if u say "oh its only multiple choice" ITS FKN ECONOMICS ALRIGHT LOLS omggggg


  9. the owner must have thought he walked to the shops that day, and went home to realise his car was gone and reported it missing


    haha that story was freakin too funny...that dudes gotta be a wack job or somethin...who in this world forgots that they left their car at the shops and walked home....

    btw must have been a sand storm or something...coz i cant see how tht beamer can go off roading....

    hey that happened to me i got home 1 night bout 2am from work and couldnt find my car so reported it stolen and went home, but i had just parked down the street, i just thought it had been stolen again cause it had be stolen 2weeks before that. drove past it 4 days later and thought dude is that my car???

    your joking right ?

    i wish....

    sorry dude...i take that bak :P...perhaps its easy to forgot u own a car :P....

  10. head up dude!! how is that the end of the road for u? u know who ***** smith is right??? he left school in yr 10....he makes millions of dollars a year.....theres heaps out there....jst goes to show u dont need to go 2 university to be sucessful...that being said im starting uni next year...and ill prob fail :P....like wat the other fellas tell ya...if u dont enjoy it...u wont do too well...if ur passionate abt somethin, chase it!! im sure u will get loads more cash doin that then doin wat u dont like! bro drop this whole suicide ****!! this isnt even a huge part of ur life!!

  11. the owner must have thought he walked to the shops that day, and went home to realise his car was gone and reported it missing


    haha that story was freakin too funny...that dudes gotta be a wack job or somethin...who in this world forgots that they left their car at the shops and walked home....

    btw must have been a sand storm or something...coz i cant see how tht beamer can go off roading....

  12. yeah get the v6...the gen 5 camry (2005), bottoms out at around 12gs i think...so it would cost u 12gs+ depending on the trim, Ks and condition....the latest gen camrys would most likely cost u around 20gs..most camry cars are bought by families, so theres hardly ne problems with them at all...like wat the other guys have mentioned before do a full check/inspection before purchasing...private sellers are generally cheaper, as for dealers rack up the prices!! id say ur best bet is to find a nice family/ elderly couple (they seem to be genuine sellers)! good luck with it!

  13. yeah i never understood that ****....owellz thank fkin *** i dont have to go thru that again :P ....dw it will be over before u know it...then its ecstasy...holidays that is.. :P....

  14. head up dude...u will meet an awesome chick, soon...sure ur cut right now...bt giv it a bit, u will get over it...and hey it isnt like she doesnt like u!! u guys r great mates..never know could turn out like friends with "benefits" if u get wat i mean!

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