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Posts posted by wishbone

  1. there used to be sites...bt they have taken them down due to copyright laws....my advice is pick up a Haynes Repair Manual...Haynes..they are the best...detailed and step by step repair manual....give em a call and see where you can pick up one!

  2. i have seen mobile phone knockoffs...bt this...well takes the icing for sure....those knock offs u see on ebay are like half the price of original phones....dunnno if they are ne good tho...bt they loook decent (and have loads of features)...i wonder if thats the same with these cars...half price???

  3. gday morinistylr....welcome to the club and AUSTRALIA!!

    -answer to the first question do you need insurance when purchasing...the answer is no...however you do need at least 3rd party ..here in NSW its called CTP Green Slip (different names in diff states) and it is compulsory..it protects vehicle owners and drivers who are legally liable for personal injury to any other party in the event of a personal injury claim made against them by other road users. However i also advise you take out insurance for property damage as well..i mean you dont want to be forking out 100,000 when you accidently rear end an aston martin.

    -answer to your 2nd question about the car needing an MOT...well here they dont call it a MOT, but its exactly the same system...the vehicle must pass all its tests..including braking, tyres and emission....here in NSW its called a Pink Slip (however i am told if the car is not older than 5yrs then you dont need it...someone correct me if am wrong)...

    -number plates dont cost too much (provided you dont get a personalised one)..however i dont really think you would need to get one...because with most of the cars are that are for sale already have plates and most probably should have rego (or just ran out of rego)...my tip is if you see a car that doesnt have a number plate or any documents, stating it was registered in the previous year, i would walk away...coz chances are you gonna have a load of problems when trying to get the car back on the road (most of these cars have been deemed "Write-Offs")..when buying a car i recc. you looking at getting a REVs report...this report outlines the cars history...a very good document to obtain when you think you have found your new ride...they go thru the vehicle with a fine tooth comb from head to toe, and give you a detail report for a nominal fee...also assures you that you wont have any problems registering it.

    -imports tend to be harder to insure..like what the other guys above have said..."some imports my have there odometers wound back"...here in australia there are a ton of non-import celicas around..so you should have no problem finding one that suits your budget and need...

    hope that helps a lil...and good luck with it.....let us know how it all goes!

  4. Took me an hour to remove the rocker cover and scrub the start of sludge out of the oil filler hole with a little petrol and a toothbrush (Did i tell you how much fuel costs these days!)

    yeah i stopped using petrol for tht reason :P....have u tried WD40!!! its the best thing ever made...it sprays on...and is like magic...dont even need to scrub as hard! nice pics btw

  5. even tho aami is cheaper than nrma.....i wouldnt recc. going to them...start of this year my mum was involved in an accident and it wasnt her fault...it was even clear from the damage on our car...tht some idiot swiped her...newyz aami's so called "accident assessor" couldnt even tell whos fault it was...despite the fact when we asked random ppl who never saw the accident....so yeah i wouldnt reccmond justcar...unless u know tht u will be at fault or ur not gonna get into an accident....hope tht helps a lil bit mate

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