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Captain Kaos

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Everything posted by Captain Kaos

  1. The Kluger should be fine. Turn traction control off (hidden button at the bottom of the dash on the LHS just above your knee ), Lower your tyre pressure and remember that momentum is your friend !!! I have seen a WRX racing along the beach at Boat Harbour in Sydney...Fastest thing I have ever seen across the sand. If that can do it, surely we can.
  2. I'm game if you are,maybe we can get a group discount ;) .Where would we put the spare and will it work with the blower????
  3. They say "GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT" so Kluger II must be bloody good cause wer'e waiting!!!
  4. I also have heard this but turned it into a good excuse to set cruise control to 122kph to enjoy 6th gear (if I had one).I do many long distance trips in a multitude of different vehicles and in NSW (infact anywhere except VIC) I always set CC to 120 in the 110 zones and go through many radars without being looked at. Most of the time my GPS indicates that my speedo is 3 to 4 Ks quicker than I'm actually going so 120 on the speedo is only 116 on my GPS therefore theoretically 122kph is still within the 10% speedo error range,no cops look twice at you (except to admire the car ) and you get to engage 6th gear.Problem solved as long as you dont run into too many big hills. :D
  5. Please accept my apologies M_M, I didn't mean to dis your girliness or that of any other of our finer halves that may be members\browsing these grand pages. I have been browsing these pages for several months as a guest but didn't want to join until I had signed on the dotted line for a new Kluger. I joined the Ford Forums in 2005 as I was determined to puchase a Territory, than I wanted to wait for the Turbo version, so I watched and waited with glee for the right time to buy my TT Ghia and than the new Kluger came along and blew the Territory off the map . Although the Kluger is down on power, it is greatly superior in every other way and hopefully I can graft the TRD's blower on to it to even that score up as well As for day trips, the other forum organise these several times a year in each capital city for anyone who wants to come along. If any member wants to go for a trip, they advertise the destination in a new thread, give a date, meeting place and time and Shazzam..."Road Trip" If only one person turns up, you were going there anyway. Two's company but more than that....well....youv'e got yourself a convoy.. You can count me in on as many of these as I am able to go on and I don't think I would be the only one with these desires. All I have to do first is get my damn car !!!
  6. Gentlemen.... Kaos here Firstly,a big hello to all my covert friends in these pages that I have been reading about for months.It is because of you that my company finds itself in more debt(more about that later).I came across your forum several months ago and logged in every day to catch up with the days happenings.Upon finally ordering my KLUGER (KX-S) on 10-12-07,I decided to join your merry gang and KAOS was born. My trips to the site became more frequent and reached fever pitch on 28-12-07 when I upgraded my order to a Glacier Grande with Nudge bar,Side steps,Tow pack,Cargo mat and carpet mats (All this for just over 60k and I haven't even asked for freebies yet )because I couldn't stand all you smug bas*#^ds gloating about your Grande's.(hence the company debt!!!) Now,back on track,I to was wondering about the tracking accessability and not having received any letters from Toyota,I fronted my Fleet salesman and aquired my access numbers from him.Raced home in the XR8,onto the site and all it told me was that it is indeed on order but they have no idea when it will be on the line;Salesman said maybe March delivery :( .It's like getting a new bike for your Birthday and not being able to ride it until Xmas(just like engagement and marriage!!!)So ,the tracking is useful but it's more like Japanese water torture if your hanging out for your car. One more thing before I fall off my soap box With the popularity of the Kluger,SURELY we deserve our own Forum heading.If the mighty Camry,Prius and even the bloody Tarago have individual categories,we can lose the other riff raff and stand tall and proud on our own What do ya reckon,give us a go !!!!!!!!!!!!
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