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Posts posted by bonbon

  1. Turns out our stig isn't going to be a fat bloke in a flannelette shirt.

    Their trying to tap a new market with this show, as BBC Topgear will keep the fans going.

    Looks like their targeting a younger generation.


    Image: By Me! Caption: Silly-Karr

  2. yeah i know what you mean by the things you can do for 300 bucks

    thats why you let others organise track days then you go :)

    tampered ones are only 150 or so

    personally i already have the gear needed, thats why i really want to go >.<

    i am looking at getting a 2nd set of rims to use on the track atm, my next investment lol

    wow, that timesheet really puts a focus on little buzz boxes, i always thought unco was silas..

    wtf was the lancer running?

    and gezz, 45 laps, got fuel tanker?

  3. who said anything about bragging?

    you go for the fun of it :)

    i know you have fun from mountain runs and all, but seriously, its far too dangerous + illegal to take your car to the limit, track is a controlled environment, its just like drag racing, you go to have fun, socialise off others and learn new things.

    i do admit 21 laps isnt much

    no idea how many laps you get with the exe or tampered days, ive got a feeling they have open practice

    ive been hanging to go to one for ages and yes, money factor has always stopped me, stupid things always come up

    you can go in a stock car and still have fun dude

    and yes we do drive corollas, but why go out and buy things like intake/exhaust/coil overs, if your going to be driving on the street...

    i swapped over to the corolla because i wanted something comfortable on the street, my previous car broke my bones if i drove over an ant (kind of like mario's car :P)

    now i cant afford to keep a 2nd car so im keeping the mods minimal and focusing on making the most out of what i have, i dont even have an intake cause i want drive ability

  4. Marcus

    I was surprised I was the only red one there

    I was surprised to see you there lol, never knew you even had a sportivo. It was good to see you though dude.

    yeah was good seeing ya again bud!

    only got the sportivo this year, had a type r before that

    that aurion would be a monster in a straight line >=)

    gotta take you out for that drink!

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