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Everything posted by saintz01

  1. well here's what i did: 1) make sure the brakes are cool 2) jack up car and remove wheel (follow manual as per changing flat tyre) 3) give the brake caliper a good scrub to remove dirt/grime/grease. i didn't get a degreaser (...to save cost...i'm broke at the moment...) but i highly recommend it to save yourself some troubles later when painting. rinse the caliper and allow to dry. 4) prep the area around the caliper with tape and newspaper to prevent paint on any area other than the caliper. 5) give the caliper an even first coat, then more coatings as you desire. 6) allow to dry, peel off the tape and paper and there you go. 7) repeat for other wheels. go to this site, it's got pics with step by step guide: http://www.2003corolla.org/diy.php?diy=3 i used VHT brake paint for mine. another thing is take your time, don't rush the job.
  2. should have attempted this some time ago...but finally it's done took me half a day to do all four corner...even had to use a torch to see what i'm doing cos it got too dark outside... :( anyway here's a pic of it cheers northy and craig for the tips :D
  3. yesss...finally got it done...man it took a lot longer than the prescribed 15mins but at least it's done took it for a hard spin round the block, is it just me...or does the car seem to heat up slightly quicker? i travelled bout 3km or so (with 5mins idle) and i've hit optimum heat range already...but end result was it didn't overheat...no leak...so i must have done it right then... B) next item...time to paint the brake calipers (if weather's good tomo) cheers craig for ya help
  4. ok, let me get this right... there's 2 coolant hose attached to the TB...the longer one at the front and the shorter behind. so, detach both coolant hose attached to the TB. tilt the hose up to try and prevent coolant from spilling out. detach the other end of the shorter hose, and then attach the open end of the long end into the plug and then clamp it tight. that's it right?? also, one question i came across...is it necessary to plug up the 2 now open coolant plugs on the TB? if so, what should i use? cheers.
  5. you're bad influence craig... ;) tsk tsk tsk btw, the rattling from the cai when i start the car is gone. letting the rubber washer 'rest' overnight after the work out allowed the rubber memory to reset back to stiffer status. anyway, i'm off to try the coolant bypass thingo...see how it goes <_<
  6. same sort of w*nkers who leave fridges in the middle of the road
  7. mitsubishi 380....doesn't sound right...it's like trying to do what ferrari does...like 355...360.... maybe they should call it hords or foldens...since it's competing with them
  8. hey guys, after searching the forum and reading the posts...i'm still uncertain as to how to do the coolant bypass job... :( do i need to buy any extra items? cos i've read about using a 'brass nipple'... can anyone provide more info and/or instructions on how to tackle this little mod...thanks :D
  9. hm...i'm averaging about 8.3litres/100km on city driving...and that's with the air-con turned off as well :D with the air-con on, it's about 9.5-10litres/100km... how'd you guys avergae 7s for city driving? i'm trying not to push the car too much, shifting around 3-3500rpm but can;'t really seem to get it under 8litres... :(
  10. hey guys, i'm going to change the stock suspension of the ol' stivo a bit and am looking at either eibach or king springs. just wondering if anyone knows where i can go to get a good deal on the springs in perth (cos majority are from eastern side...)? and how much roughly would they set me back. cheers.
  11. yeap i'm up for a pair...only if they are ADR approved though... :D
  12. Perth Rolla Cruising, when/where? any suggestions?
  13. hey guys, yeah...the white stivo at uwa with the grill is in my garage :D only performance mod i've got is the cai under the bonnet, and other minor mods include the mentioned grill, eyelids, light bulbs and pedals. it 'was' the first stivo around uwa, but now there's a couple silvers, a red, a black or two around. B) i'm all up for a stivo get together sometime.
  14. you guys.... :D cheers for the info. i'm going down to the warehouse to have a look in the next couple days.
  15. hey guys, i'm going to replace the pod filter i got with the AEM CAI system for the stivo with a k&n item. anyone know the model number of the k&n pod filter that will fit the AEM CAI system and within the rather confined space where the pod filter sits? thanks!
  16. i'm looking at the MR-S, went to the dealers and not in stock till feb 05...bugger. apparently, toyota will bring in a new model MR-2 (or S) in 2006. the 2 things that prob put me off the MR-S is the lack of a proper manual transmission and that it's under-powered a little. ;)
  17. hey zee, how bout a Technopro Spirit MR-S. :D pretty much same setup as the "pro-tus" but heck i'll take the MR-S anyday.
  18. hey guys. any of you experienced (severe) vibrating of the steering wheel when braking? at first i thought it might be due to dodgy road conditions when i braked, but today on a 'smooth' surfaced freeway road while braking from around 110km/hr to 70 the steerng wheel was vibrating VERY SEVERELY. what's causing this prob? is it the disc or is there something to do with the suspension of the car? so far it's not affecting the braking distance, etc...but this vibrating crap does bother me a bit. also when coming to a complete stop at the light, sometimes the car doesn't slow/stop smoothly, like it's 'rocking' if you know what i mean i might bring the car in for a check these few days when i get the time.
  19. well i've been using BP Ultimate since day one. the other family car also runs on premuim, and after trying out all the premium unleaded fuel available, i still find BP Ultimate the best.
  20. hey peekay. hm i'm from Perth, so yer, no idea where the place is. :D if you could help out the details of the kit you mentioned it'll be great. Cheers!
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