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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. Steven. It was a joke. I was getting at the fact that a lot of money will get you hardly any performance gain. :(

    Adam. Couldn't agree more with you. It's such a great car and has so much potential to be so much better, but ford just let it down with their quality (or lack thereof).

    Even though I'm used to the power and pull of the car, it still puts a smile on my face. Then something reminds me of the problems and I hate it again. Haha

  2. half right... may as well be a fastER POS... :lol:

    quite stoked that i keep up with corey... for now... hahaha

    hopefully they dont release the updated edit software for the new VE SS's for a few months... cause then i'll be able to beat corey... HAHAHA

  3. my issues with the car havent become a lot more since my last post...

    so here goes the rant of all rants... if you cbf'd reading, here is the short version:

    Ford are a bunch of completely useless fuqs... and they all need to be anally raped with an exhaust system and then be made to stand on the highway with a sign saying "under no circumstances are you to buy a Ford. they are sh!t. buy a korean car before you buy an aussie car"

    ...........and yes, i've got PMS... lol

    *deep breath*

    i rang up on monday and booked my car in for tuesday to get the 15,000km service done.

    FDS (Ford Dumb Slut): sure no problem. anything else we can help you with?

    Me: yeah, i have the following concerns which i'd like to be looked at.

    1. turbo leaking oil into hot pipe of the intake

    2. a/c leaks water on to my feet

    3. ICC (headunit) screen freezes some times when an ipod/iphone is playing

    4. wind noise (loud whistling noise) heard above 100km/h

    5. cold start idle is REALLY rough and the smell of fuel can be smelt.

    FDS: oh yeah, my old xr6 turbo used to idle really rough as well.

    me: thats comforting to hear! cya

    tuesday after noon rocks around and i go pick up my car...

    FDCS (Ford Dumb c0ck Sucker): here is the report on your problems.

    1. checked and found small quantity of oil around turbo pipes. also aftermarket blow off valve fitted. return vehicle to standard and return for rechecking.

    2. Inspected and found a/c water leaking out of heater box. needs updated foam tape application affected area. part on back order

    3. checked ipod system. no fault codes logged. no program update available. no fault with vehicle.

    4. road tested along highway to check for wind noise. could not hear noise at time of checking.

    5. no fault codes logged. did notice throttle body was dirty so cleaned throttle body. reset pcm memory and tested. found to start all ok.

    FDCS: oh and by the way, your car is over due for service.

    me: well, thats why i booked it in.

    FDCS: no, you've only asked for these items to be checked.

    me: why would i book in a car that needs a service and not get the service done?

    FDCS: well, thats what you've done.

    me: umm, no, thats NOT what i've done. the lady who took my details over the phone must have not written it down properly.

    me: so basically, you've done nothing with my car except to "check" it and say that its fine, when it's clearly not!!!

    FDCS: *blank stare*

    FDCS: so when would you like to book the car in for the 15,000km service? we can wait until the a/c part comes in and then we can do it all at once.

    me: well, that could be another week away... by then, i'll have done 19,000kms and ford will say that my warranty is void because it hasnt been serviced according to the book.

    FDCS: no, no, no, no, ford would NEVER do something like that!

    me: mate, you're trying to fuqin weesle out of a warranty claim right now with NO leg to stand on. imagine if something did go wrong, ford would VERY MUCH do that... so how about i never book my car in for service? how about you just give me my key so i can drive out of here in my peice of sh!t ford?

    FDCS: umm, okay. but you'll have to get it rebooked in for the service.

    me: i will book it in. but it wont be with you. as far as i'm concerned you've done nothing but waste my time. you're all a useless bunch of fuqs... hopefully i never see you guys again!

    FDCS: now now sir, there is no need for that.

    me: *completely ready to punch the guy in the face!* i'm sorry, but there really IS A NEED FOR THAT!!! you've wasted my time, you havent done what i asked you to do, the car is still a hunk of sh!t and you guys are standing there blaming the problems on me!!

    FDCS: *blank stare*

    me: that's what i thought... bye.

    *walks out*

    enter today........

    i just wasted my lunch hour and went to the gabba ford.

    i tried to explain all the issues to the guy and he seemed to be quite understanding... so i've booked the car in next week and the foreman is going to come for a proper drive with me.

    a couple of comments by the guy got my blood boiling again though... but i kept really calm and didnt bite back... some of these were:

    "oh yeah, all of my turbo cars leak oil into the intake. it's called blowby." - IF ITS LEAKING THAT MUCH OIL DUE TO BLOWBY THERE THERE ARE BIG ISSUES!!!!!!!!

    "all ford performance vehicles idle really rough in the mornings. thats completely normal."

    "whistling noise could just be the turbo spooling up" - ARE YOU FUQIN SERIOUS!!! I KNOW WHAT A TURBO SOUNDS LIKE YOU DUMB FUQ!!!


    i'm soooooo ready to drive this POS car into the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    either way... when i get my car back, its going to elite automotive to get tickled... cause obviously the ford warranty doesnt mean sh!t anyway... :lol:

  4. my toyota bias says the celica, but my car enthusast says the mx5

    agreed, but then my hetrosexuality says neither.. :lol:

    Lets not argue and admit that Daryls car PWNS.

    NEVAR!!! daryl's car does NOT pwn... he pwns as a driver though!! hahahaha

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